Major KPIs to Measure Agent Performance in 2022

In a call center, there can be a long list of KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) that you can measure. Measuring KPIs can be exhausting and confusing if your list is way too long. Thus, depending on the area of focus, you must define major KPIs to measure.
Year after year, as behavior, call center solutions, etc. change, the list of KPIs may also get upgraded. Thus, you must know the major KPIs that your call center must follow.

As high agent performance is important to boost other important customer experience and sales KPIs, I am going to cover the major key performance indicators related to agent performance that you must measure in 2022. The best call center software will show all these

KPIs in the report section.

1. Occupancy rate
It is an important metric, which measures the actual productive hours of agents. It shows the average time agents spent on live calls and/or completing work related to the calls. As it shows actual hours during which agents are working from punched in working hours, the occupancy rate of agents is necessary to measure.

2. Service level
You must have heard about the service level agreement of a call center solution. The best call center software provides 99.95% of uptime SLA. Likewise, the agent SLA defines the performance of agents. It shows the real time performance of agents by showing the stats of the number of calls answered by agents within a specific time.

3. Average talk time
In any call center, the performance increases if the talk time of agents increases. The reason is, the more time agents spend on the call, the more results can reap. Therefore, even if average talk time is a traditional agent performance KPI, it must be measured in any call center in 2022.

4. Average after call work time
Agents need to handle some jobs after completing a customer call such as:
• Putting a disposition message
• Filling information about a customer based on the call
• Discussing the case
• And more
Even if handling these tasks is necessary, the call centers need to make sure that average after call work time is low.
Having a user friendly call center solution with features like a disposition bucket often helps call centers to keep the value of average after call work time low.

5. FCR rate
In a traditional call center, FCR stands for first call resolution. In the modern world, call centers use an omnichannel call center solution. For omnichannel contact center software system users, FCR stands for First Contact Resolution. It shows the average of customers that received a resolution of their concern within the first call or contact. It not only shows high agent performance, but also high customer experience value and must be monitored in 2022.

6. Agent turnover rate
Higher agent turnover rate results in loss of productivity and performance. Call centers need to hire more agents and train them, which would waste time and money. Thus, it is necessary to retain agents. Measure agent turnover rate and take necessary steps to reduce the same.
These are the top KPIs that all call centers must measure in 2022 to keep an eye on agent performance and increase the same.

Author Bio
Author works in a company that offers a user friendly and feature rich call center solution and a hosted call center solution. The company also offers VICIDial customization to add missing features in this open source call center software.

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