– Sleeping Pills

Somulin : Valerian is a herbal extract that is one of the most effect of sleeping aids, natural herbs or alternative remedies used but it should only be used for about six weeks or you can become dependent on it. It does not matter whether the sleep remedy is deemed safe, as long as you feel that you cannot go to sleep without them you are dependent on them. The goal in remedying sleep deprivation is to find an actual solution for the problem.

Also, just because something is natural does not mean it is good for you to take over the long term. Many prescription drugs are made from natural herbs and you can get a dependency on them the same way you can street or prescription drugs. This is particularly true of herbs that make you feel elated (like St. John’s Wort) or Valerian (which is also known as Mother Nature’s valium.)

Many sleep disorders have a physical or psychological component so the first order of the day should be for you to get a check up if you are having problems sleeping. This way the doctor can rule out any other causes of your sleeplessness such as a slipped disc, a condition like depression or sleep apnea. A doctor may suggest medications, psychiatry or even surgery to fix some conditions that cause sleeplessness.

However if the sleeplessness is caused by stress or another simple matter then it is okay to use sleeping aids, natural [] remedies and herbs for the short term. Long term use of anything that you would not normally have as part of your sleep routine creates an unhealthy dependence.

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Using natural sleeping aids might be a better idea than taking prescription or over the counter sleeping pills simply because they do not have side-effects. One of the most effective of natural sleeping aids is exercising on a daily basis as that helps your body shed itself of the muscle tension and anxiety that comes with excess stress.


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