What is the Importance of OSHA for Your Business?

Over the years, we come across many cases where business owners had no idea about workplace safety requirements. Tremiti LLC has been in business for many years now. Our OSHA attorneys have guided many small and large enterprises about several OSHA labels, recordkeeping, training requirements, and other essentials.

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) was established following the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 to ensure the safe and healthy work conditions for workers by setting and enforcing standards that are necessary for employers to comply with.

Every year, thousands of employees lose their life and get injured due to occupational accidents. In consequence, they have to spend many days away from work and that costs heavily. OSHA laws protect the wellbeing of workers as well as insist the employers be in compliance with workplace standards.

Though your company operations might have not been involving any stiff labor tasks or your business might be located somewhere where accidents hardly occur, you need to understand the importance of OSHA for your business. Tremiti is a reputed labor and employment law firm NYC that helps business clients in keeping the workplace OSHA-compliant and assist clients who face an OSHA periodic inspection.

Employees are covered by OSHA

The OSH Act covers almost all employees working in the private sector except those who are working for state and local government and those who are self-employed. This coverage is provided through an OSHA-approved state job safety and health plan. Our employment attorney NYC advises and represents clients issued with any citation or imposed legal obligations for violation of the general duty clause.

Employer responsibilities

As a labor and employment law firm we have guided many employers about their responsibilities under OSH law that includes:

  • Keeping a record of injury and illness. Employers with less than 10 employees or businesses such as real estate, finance, and retail are partially exempted from keeping injury and illness records
  • They are required to post OSHA Form 300 in which all work-related injuries and illness for the previous year are needed to be filled by the employer
  • Comply with OSHA standards, rules, and regulations regarding recognized workplace-hazards and safety
  • Providing medical examination and training required by OSHA standards
  • Report of all work-related deaths within 8 hours to nearest OSHA office
  • Prohibited from discriminating their employees

There are many other requirements for employers that are officially published on OSHA’s website. OSHA attorneys New York are experts of the rights and benefits entitled to employees by the OSHA and relevant labor laws.

Tremiti in conjunction with the business clients for specific assistance with their overall safety compliance program and provide solutions for any citations issued to them. Our employment attorney represents them throughout the abatement, settlement and hearing process before the Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission (OSHRC).

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