Why brand building is to be covered by SEO strategy?

Brands are always given preferential treatment by Google. With fewer links, they still get better rankings. If for improper conduct, they get penalized, they are found to resurface few weeks later. Then what about the smaller brands? Unfortunately, they do not enjoy benefit of doubt and are required to earn almost twice many links and are found never to resurface ever. This aspect is only accelerating with time and getting more pronounced, such that in 2018, it is the topic to be focused upon, apart from developing a brand. Smaller brands are left behind, while bigger brands are showcased in SERPs.


Know the reasons

  • SERPs changing dramatically At least thousand times, Google is found to be tinkering. It is not only the algorithm updates that one should pay attention. The layout adjustment’s effect and cause also is noticed to change user behaviour. For instance, featured snippets have increased to 16% from 5.5% in 2 years’ time. However, 10% drop was noticed in featured snippets recently in just 4 days. Serious boost was derived in visibility for knowledge panels. Search terms such as Graphic design, which once featured the snippets have went full knowledge panel. 30% increase is noticed in SERP knowledge panel without the featured snippet. The query is being answered by Google, using other people’s content and not requiring clicking for viewing source. 60% of Google searches result in clicks. It means, 40% are generating zero clicks and increasing. Knowledge Graph implementation by Google has been helping to solve user problems, not requiring to click, translating to fewer clicks, less traffic and sales that is less organically driven.

  • Brand recognition more important than getting clicks If long tail, obscure search for any industry keyword is done and SERPs analyzed, then the result derived is specific brands like Marketo, Search Engine Journal, and Hubspot. People are likely to skip over to a familiar site, since brand recognition is termed to be powerful enough to make the person skip top ranking post of Google and drive more expensive sales. It is because, people do what they feel comfort with and trust. Trust is also important for organic search results and this is where branding is taken into consideration. The chances of generating clicks are more, if brand power is more.

  • SERP CTR outperforming rankings No more has the number one position that kind of importance what it used to enjoy before. This is because historical SERP click-through graph rate is no more authentic. The ones stating ranking first are found to get 30% of unbranded search clicks. It could be an amazing content. But if it is not a brand, then there is no chance of getting clicks. Hence, when compared to traditional rankings, SERP CTR is found to be more important and has impact upon rankings. The top direct ranking factors are content and links, an indirect factor is SERP CTR.

With each major and minor update made by Google, its preferential treatment to brands is found to be increasing. The professional seo services India know how to help drive more traffic the organic way to small businesses.

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