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9 Ways to Optimize Your Product Review Pages for Google


Reviews can make or break your business, especially if you’re in the eCommerce industry. A happy customer will tell their friends about your product and a dissatisfied one may take to social media to air out their grievances. Optimizing your review pages for Google is an investment that pays off in terms of higher search ranking, more website traffic and increased sales.

Product review pages are a quick and easy way to get your product in front of your potential customers before they have a chance to see it elsewhere. However, many sellers are not aware of the importance that Google places on product review pages and what they can do to optimize them for search engine visibility.

Here are nine tips on how to optimize your product review page for Google:

  1. Date range:

    If you plan on conducting a promotion or sale, it is very important that you indicate in the title of your product review page when the promotion will take place. Not only does this let Google know that this specific page is special and should be considered specifically for additional exposure, but it also lets users who may be looking for information on a specific date know when to come back later in the day or week to learn more about the sale.

  2. Product Information:

    In addition to the title, it is very important that you include as much information about your product as possible. The more information that is available, the more easily Google will understand what specific pages are related to your product which then helps it understand how useful a page is in helping users discover new products.

  3. Titles with keywords:

    If you are trying to rank for a specific term or phrase, there are a few things that you should consider doing including: adding keywords to your external links; creating more than one external link per page, including on your main category pages; and adding relevant keywords to titles of images.

  4. Product links when appropriate:

    Including product links on your product review pages is a great way to help Google determine which page the user is looking for and should be considered when optimizing for SEO.

  5. Product reviews:

    There are two types of product review pages that you should consider creating. The first type is the traditional text-based review page, where users will leave a brief description of their experience with your product along with a star rating. The second type is the review that includes video, images, and additional details about your product.

  6. Product comparisons:

    The easiest way to increase your potential customer acquisition is to tell them how your products compare to other alternatives on the market. Letting users know what makes your product better or superior than its competitors will help you earn more credibility with potential customers.

  7. Product videos:

    There are many products that are not easily described by words; perhaps they are very large or require a demonstration of some sort to be understood by consumers, and in these cases you should consider adding videos for your product pages just as you would if they were on a store’s regular website.

  8. Product used in industry:

    If you are selling a product that is related to an industry or job role, including a description of the product and the industry in which it is relevant will help make your page more “industry-related” by including information about the work done by your employees.

  9. Categories and subcategories:

    Add both categories as well as subcategories to your product review pages, although be careful not to overcrowd these with too many links. In addition to creating categories for users to sort your products by, you should also create internal categories such as categories that you may use to categorize products according to type of material or their functionality so that users can see how different products are alike or different from each other.

There are a lot of different things that you can do to try to improve the ranking of your product review pages, so experimenting with a variety of ways to optimize them for search engines is the best way to see what works and what doesn’t work.


Product reviews are an essential part of online marketing. According to the Pew Research Center, 80% of consumers find product reviews helpful when deciding what to purchase. If you want your customers to make a decision based on their personal experience with your products, it’s imperative that you provide them with a place where they can share those experiences and build trust in your brand. The 9 ways we outlined will help get Google’s attention and rank higher for keywords related to customer satisfaction or quality control measures such as return policies or warranties provided by the company. Implement these tips today so that people looking at similar items will see yours come up first!

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