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Looking for the services on Hearing Clinic Center

Hearing Clinic Center

Today I am discuss about what are the services are available in hearing clinic. There are so many services are available in hearing clinic, but today I am share some of the services or test only. Only two services I am share today. That are,

·         Electro Cochelography

·         Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential

1)Electro Cochlegraphy:

The Electro cochlegraphy is one of the best tests for hearing loss patients. This electro test is found by the electrical potential and that is required this potential. Electrocochleography, this is basically related to as Ecoch G, and this test isone of the painless test of hearing function and this is actually done in inner ear and to determine if there is heavy fluid in the inner ear.

Electro cochleography is a test usually for recording or recall the electrical potentials and that is generated in the inner ear canal. The nerve of auditory is also used to electric places in the patient ear canal or else tympanic membrane, and this is always response to the sound in the recordings.

Clinical procedure for Electro Cochlegraphy:

The clinical procedure for electro cochlegraphy or ecoch, during the test first of all patients do not lie with the audiologist then only they prepare for the tests. This electro cochlegraphy test including to places some of the surface electrodes on the hearing loss patients head. After that the audiologist keep the small size of microphone and that is placed in the earphone this earphone is placed in the outer side of the ear canal for the hearing loss patients. And which is very closed to the patient ear drum.The ear drum is slightly stimulated with the alternated variety clicks.The hearing loss patient will be instructed to take rest during they are watching to clicking sound

Be Prepare for the test:

For this electro cochlegraphy test, the patients always must be prepare for the test. But, in this test there is no major preparation for the patients. During the hearing loss test patients must take rest for this test. While testing time patients do not get any tensions or else any body movements, you must keep these all things for the tests. Then only the audiologist can done the process. And then from the patient there is no body movement does not came. The hearing equipment is available in hearing aids in india.

Testing time for Electrocochlegraphy test is need minimum 45 min to 1 hour for the completion. But the audiologist gives the hearing clinic report after the test completion.

2) Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential:

The vestibular evoked myogenic potentials is shortly called by VEMP test. This VEMP test is one of the neurophysiological assessment techniques and this test is used to define theotolithic organs. And this test is inserted in the inner ear canal and this working very normally and constantly. The saccule, it is fixed in the inner ear and that sound can be determined and recorded and after that it will pass to inside the ear.

Clinical procedure for VEMP:

The clinical procedure for VEMP is during the test time patients do not lie with audiologist. You must response for the VEMP test. One of the small tap is fixed in the skin, patient neck and wrist must be clean with the scrub. After that the earphone should place in the ear canal. High sound of acoustic is passed into the ear canal. The hearing equipment is available in hearing aids in india.

Testing time for VEMP is 30 – 45 min for completion. The result will be published after the test completions.


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