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Top Facts About Neons Lights

Neons Lights

In today’s world neon lights are not just limited to a piece of decoration, or something for enhancing a wedding, event, or business space. They are the lights that are most commonly linked with storefront signs. These lights use neon gas in the flexible or glass tubes for producing their well-known luminous glow.

For over two centuries, these lights continue to prove their efficiency in round-the-clock advertising. Neon lights are loved by all for plenty of reasons. Due to this people love using custom neon lights for decorating their homes, businesses, and special events such as weddings, parties, etc. But even today many people are still unaware of how neons light work and how they can be used. Here are some common facts about neons lights that we all must know.

Neon lights are bright:-

Neon lights are used by businesses for advertisement due to their bright look. These lights are easily recognizable at night as well as even during the daytime also. They remain bright due to the energetic transfer of the energy which results during the time of production. Neon lights get their name from the gas that is used by some of the tubes. However these days the gas is included rarely or in very little quantity.


Mainly neon lights are used in aircraft and airports, especially during the winters to make it easy for them to pass through the dense fog. These lights are also used in television tubes, high voltage indicators, lightning arrestors, vacuum tubes, etc.

They are hand-made:-

The manufacturers of neon lights generally do most of the job by their hands. To make sure that each customer will get the best products, they hand-made each light. No donut machines are also used sometimes for simple cuts and bending, but these lights are mostly made manually. The curves and overlaps of the neon lights are made by the experts by heating the tubes.


Neon lights are colorful glass tubes that are flexible in nature. Due to their flexibility, these can be bent to spell out words or form design or shape. The heat helps to make the glasses flexible and make them ready to give unique shapes, lengths, and designs, etc.

Not limited to promotions:-

Many people think that neon lights are just business products that are used by businesses for promoting their business. No doubt these lights are best for advertising but they can also be custom made and used in the home as well as parties, weddings, etc. For decorations. The maximum duration of these lights is very high. Due to this many people use custom neon lights as home decoration. However, the durability of these lights also depends on the maintenance and that either they are indoor or outdoor.


One of the lesser-known facts about neon lights is that there is only a single color for them. When a clear tube is filled with pure neon gas, it brights up with a reddish-orange color. However, over 150 other colors can also be created by using some other substances. The manufacturers of neon lights use a variety of methods used for obtaining other colors. These methods include using colored glass tubes, powder-coated tubes, or combining the neon with other noble gases like argon, helium, phosphor, mercury, etc.

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