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A Guide to Choosing the Right Sunglasses

The eyes are a very important consideration for any potential risks due to visible light, concerning photochemical effects on the retina. Although heat damage is possible this only occurs at very high intensity.

The body’s protection system

Normally people find discomfort looking at excessively bright sunshine. It is not advisable to ignore this sensation. This particularly applies to children, as the lenses in their eyes are more transparent to visible light. Lip’s floating polarized sunglasses can help you and your children protect against this.

Water sports sunglasses

If you visit the beach and sea regularly you will know that sometimes you might find yourself in harsh conditions. This not only applies to the equipment we use on the water but also to ourselves. As we maintain and protect our equipment,  we should protect our health. Watermen and waterwomen the world over should protect their bodies with sunscreen and protective eyewear against the sun’s rays are essential. We apply sunscreen to the exposed parts of the body for very good reasons. Similarly, sunglasses for water sports protect our eyes from the same damaging forces.

see clear catch more fish

Polarized lenses are essential for anyone who spends time outdoors. Especially out on the water. Your eyes are one of the important tools in the toolbox, and the correct pair of polarized sunglass lenses can make your days out on the water. They reduce eye strain squinting and provide comfort by reducing reflective glare. The sunlight can reflect massive amounts of glare from the surface of the water back towards your eyes. Blocking glare helps protect your eyes, but it also allows you to see through the water to gain an edge when fishing.

Choosing a lens colour

To get the most out of your sunglasses, it is important to choose the right lens colour. The best sunglass lens colour options vary depending on the environment and the type of fishing. There are lens colour tint options for low-light conditions for example fishing at dusk or dawn. There are colours for extremely bright light conditions with a blinding glare like offshore fishing. Other options include mirrored lenses in both glass and plastic and glasses that float so if you accidentally drop them in water you can easily retrieve them. Consider where you might spend your time on the water or outdoors to choose the best lens colour for the environment you intend to be in.

Your eye protection is foremost, get the correct glasses and the lens colour for the type of sport or recreation environment you are attending.

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