Sports Compression Socks – A Must Have Or All The Hype

Are sports compression socks really all they’re thought to be? Explore the potential advantages of sports compression socks and decide if this compression gear is a must-have for your running self. Runners would be delighted to know that mens knee-high compression socks have infiltrated the running world and they seem to have become one of the most popular running-terms for the athletes around. Even the women athletes swear by the women’s running compression socks! Isn’t it quite obvious that these compression socks are gaining all the popularity because of their undeniable benefits? For the ones who don’t know what it is, read on to know more!

What are sports compression socks?

Compression socks are sports accessories for the runners. You can also term it as elastic knee socks as these are intricately designed to be worn upto the knee. Think of tube socks on steroids and you’ll have an idea of what these socks are! These compression socks stretch over the foot upto the knee and begin at the ankle that’s more often called the sleeve. These are super strong socks that squeeze you around the calf after compressing all the veins on the surface of the leg along with the leg’s arteries and muscles. 

A Timeline – Compression Socks

Sports compression socks aren’t very new to this era. They’ve gained popularity recently, however, they’ve been into existence for thousands of years now. Check out the timeline of compression socks through all the different ages – 

  • New Stone Age – Compression therapy is one of the oldest and can be traced back to the Neolithic period. Yes, you read it right! Even the cavemen were caught into this trend a long time before the marathon runners you see today. According to the cave paintings and art of 5000BCE, there were images of soldiers with bandaged legs. Researchers confirmed that these bandages were used for the compression of legs. This is typically considered as one of the first evidence from this type of compression therapy. Edwin Smith Papyrus is the world’s oldest surgical document that was purchased by an antique collector and it dates back to 1600BC and it has compression therapy mentioned on it. 
  • Hippocrates – In the era of Hippocrates, a popular doctor wrote that he used compression bandages for preventing the blood from pooling in his patient’s legs. This was back in 350 and 450 BC. So, you understand if it’s good enough for that era, it’s good enough for us too!
  • The Modern Era- Compression therapy has been used in a variety of ways in the modern era. If you look at the arrival of sports compression socks in the modern world, there are new methods of compression therapies that have popped up, Men and women have gathered together to buy laced stockings, badges with adhesives, and elastic bands. Now, compression therapy is used in a wide array of medical conditions for the patients who struggle with health problems including deep vein thrombosis, diabetes, varicose veins, leg swelling, leg ulcers, circulatory problems and so on. 

From the medical treatment to athletic gear, the use of compression sports stockings has leapt for professional athletes and medical professionals. Now, you can get everything in the market or online stores, from compression sports socks, arms bands and everything in between. 

To briefly paraphrase, compression sports socks are a must-have if you’re into sports as this will definitely help you out with a regulatory blood flow in your system. Sports compression socks, if used between repeated running bouts will aid subsequent performance and recovery in your knees. Furthermore, it will enhance the subsequent exercise. This is why athletes believe in the efficacy of sports compression socks as it helps in assisting the recovery between exercise bouts. 

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