yoga – Articles For Website Fri, 06 Aug 2021 13:25:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Ayurvedic viewpoint of diabetes Fri, 06 Aug 2021 13:25:54 +0000 Diabetes has been one of the significant well-being worries among individuals across the globe. World Health Organization (WHO) appraises that around six percent of the total populace is influenced by this way of life sickness. An examination, distributed in the diary Lancet, additionally expressed that roughly 98 million Indians would be experiencing diabetes by 2030. […]

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Diabetes has been one of the significant well-being worries among individuals across the globe. World Health Organization (WHO) appraises that around six percent of the total populace is influenced by this way of life sickness. An examination, distributed in the diary Lancet, additionally expressed that roughly 98 million Indians would be experiencing diabetes by 2030. Despite the fact that diabetes is viewed as an ongoing sickness, it is feasible to manage it and control down its danger and manifestations with the assistance of Ayurveda. our PCPs have assisted in excess of 1,20,132 patients with dealing with their glucose levels with Ayurveda.

The ayurvedic viewpoint of a diabetes

In Ayurveda, Diabetes is known as “Madhumeh” which is arranged under the sickness “Prameh”. The word ‘Madhu’s signifies nectar (sweet) and ‘meh’ signifies pee. Henceforth, madhumeh implies a sickness where an individual pees nectar-like pee. Ayurveda separates diabetes into two classes:

Hereditary (Sahaja) diabetes looks like adolescent diabetes or insulin-subordinate diabetes that happens at a youthful age.

Procured (Apathaja) diabetes happens because of an unfortunate way of life in advanced age and fat individuals and takes after Type II Diabetes.

Numerous way of life factors lead to diabetes like hereditary qualities, a stationary way of life, unfortunate dietary patterns, inappropriate or over the top rest, heftiness, stress, nervousness, etc. These variables increment the Kapha dosha and medications dhatu (fat tissues) which cause the blockage of channels and bring ojas (fundamental energy) from the body into the pee causing madhumeh.

Signs and side effects of diabetes

  • Expanded thirst
  • Inordinate pee
  • Unexpected weight reduction
  • Consistent weakness
  • Expanded cravings for food
  • Moderate injury recuperating
  • Obscured vision

The executives and treatment of diabetes in Ayurveda

As indicated by the essential rule of Nidana Parivarjana (expulsion of the causative factor) in Ayurveda, anticipation is the most important guideline for the Ayurveda Treatment in Kuwait of diabetes (Madhumeh). In the prediabetes stage, blood glucose levels are either typical or on the higher side of the ordinary reach. This screening of diabetes should start at 30-45 years old and ought to be rehashed at regular intervals to keep away from additional complexities like coronary illness, nerve harm, kidney and eye-related issues, moderate recuperating, hearing weakness, and so forth

How you can deal with forestall diabetes –

What we eat, how much exercise we do, what time we rest – such way of life factors assume a major part in forming our real wellbeing. Way of life-related sicknesses originate from undesirable living, and rolling out a couple of improvements and turning to a better way of life can improve things significantly in achieving generally speaking equilibrium and prosperity. Diabetes also can be undercut and its danger can be decreased in the event that you deal with your eating regimen and carry on with genuinely dynamic life. Following these means might assist you with controlling your glucose and move further towards your wellbeing objectives.

Adjusted eating regimen: A sound eating routine assumes a significant part in monitoring diabetes. Eat an eating regimen plentiful in every one of the fundamental supplements, nutrients and minerals. Try not to eat garbage, seared, sweet or handled food varieties. Use garlic, onion, unpleasant gourd (karela), spinach, crude banana and dark plum.

Exercise routinely: Studies have shown that individuals who practice for something like 30 minutes per day, 4-5 times each week, decreased their danger of contracting diabetes by 80%. Basic activities like strolling and running can monitor your weight. Yoga asanas like Paschimotanasana, Halasana, Bhujangasana, Shalabhasana and Dhanurasana are extraordinary methods to invigorate the pancreas that builds the creation of insulin in the body. Pranayama like Kapalbhati and Anulom-Vilom helps control diabetes when rehearsed routinely.

Rest soundly: It is vital for get a decent night’s rest for around 6-8 hours to restore and feed your body from the inside and lighten the danger of getting illnesses like diabetes. Try not to rest in the daytime.

Oversee pressure: Stress is the underlying driver of numerous issues including diabetes. Constant pressure and uneasiness can add to the beginning of diabetes and cause a quick rise in glucose levels in previous diabetes conditions. Breathing procedures can assist with further developing dissemination, loosen up the psyche, and along these lines diminish pressure. Discovering a pastime of decision and enjoying it lessens the pressure. Get some downtime for yourself, as there isn’t anything more significant than you.

How Ayurveda can deal with treat diabetes –

Ayurveda is a comprehensive arrangement of medication that remedies the main driver of diabetes. It fortifies the body’s safeguard framework, works on recuperating and controls metabolic aggravations that lead to diabetes. Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes starts by detoxifying the body so the meds (unique spices and rasayanas) can work successfully towards treating the underlying driver of the sickness. Other than meds, Ayurveda, our primary care physicians suggest altered eating regimen and way of life plan that supplements the impact of drugs and works on the general personal satisfaction. This additionally helps in keeping away from deep rooted reliance on insulin and fundamentally diminishes the danger of complexities of diabetes.

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Get Rid of Stress & Anxiety with Yoga & Meditation Wed, 06 Jan 2021 06:36:28 +0000 Worry and stress are related to our lives. Without it, there is not a single day in our life. We face many kinds of worries in life, due to which we are stressed. Like if we talk about a family, then every person in the house has some or the other concern. The father of […]

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Worry and stress are related to our lives. Without it, there is not a single day in our life. We face many kinds of worries in life, due to which we are stressed. Like if we talk about a family, then every person in the house has some or the other concern.

The father of the house worries about earning, the mother worries about giving a good education to the child, the worry of taking the elders together. Even children have no shortage of worry. Children also have concerns such as worrying about the result of the board examination, worrying about the reaction of the parents on showing the report card when the number comes down.

Teenagers worry about their jobs, worry about meeting someone first. You can see how the same family has a wealth of concerns. Even though you may feel normal worrying about it, slowly it takes the form of tension and discomfort. So it is important to treat it. Meditation helps in this. Let us know in detail Meditation for Anxiety.

Meditation for Anxiety:

Practicing regular meditation can help you stay calm and relaxed. It provides mental peace to your mind and also gives you the power to face the problems that are obsolete. You may be surprised to know, but meditation is so effective that it can also change the thoughts of a person who commits suicide.

Meditation advice to reduce stress

The disorder of our lives creates stress and this is a side effect of stress. When you do meditation, you invite space throughout your body along with your breathing, while exhaling, all your stress is released.

Meditation teaches you to accept every situation. It does not matter what is happening in your life, it teaches you to live peacefully.

Whenever you meditate, imagine that you are coming out of all the troubles. And believe me, you are taught to handle life’s concerns easily.

Why is meditation important?

Meditation is the best method to calm your distracted mind and take you away from worries. This gives you a feeling of peace even in difficult times. By its constant practice you can understand how the mind keeps us entangled in small trivial things. This life is meant to be lived, so meditation keeps us from worrying too much about the future and getting restless.

Do you know about Adrenaline hormone? Darussal When we have to worry a lot about something, the level of adrenaline hormone increases, even when the fear of something is in the mind, its level also increases.

With the increase of this hormone, our heart speeds up, muscles get stretched. Even at times, excessive sweating starts coming from the body. The practice of meditation reduces the amount of this stress hormone. And it has also been proved on a scientific level.

Here are some techniques of meditation that help to relieve anxiety: –

Zen Meditation: This type of meditation improves body posture, increases visualization power, and also improves breathing process. If a person sits like a Buddha and breathes smoothly, then this slows down the thoughts of the mind and encourages good feelings.

Through proper meditation techniques, a person suffering from anxiety gets peace and happiness. Try to practice this technique of meditation more than once a day, it will give you fast results.

Mindfulness Meditation: This type of meditation is helpful in controlling negative emotions, anxiety, depression, and chronic pain. It is very popular as self-healing. It helps in controlling the impulses of your mind. Mindfulness Meditation for Anxiety is the most effective.

Mantra-based meditation: This type of meditation helps in making your life stress-free by calming your mind feelings.

You learned above Meditation for Anxiety. If you too are spending your life with only worries, then practice meditation. Yoga can join a yoga school in Rishikesh & gain in-depth knowledge of yoga and meditation.

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Yoga Poses That Are Sure To Burn Your Calorie.Dlife Fri, 21 Aug 2020 08:54:05 +0000 Yes, you heard it right! Yoga is associated with stretching and attaining inner peace, but did you know it has been known to torch major calories as well? Yoga not only builds muscle, but also causes fat to melt, and is also known to increase your heart rate, which aids in boosting metabolism. Which is […]

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Yes, you heard it right! Yoga is associated with stretching and attaining inner peace, but did you know it has been known to torch major calories as well? Yoga not only builds muscle, but also causes fat to melt, and is also known to increase your heart rate, which aids in boosting metabolism. Which is why Yoga has found wide acceptance with health freaks around the world, due to its long term impact on physical fitness and of course, lasting peace of mind!

Yoga poses or asanas engage a lot more muscles than we are used to moving. Holding yoga poses for definitive amounts of time builds endurance, flexibility and also burns calories, leading to fat burn and weight loss. A study funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) found that for overweight women, restorative yoga offers ways to trim subcutaneous fat. If performed with discipline, yoga can help you sweat like no other workout, helping you in losing weight and staying in shape. Here are some poses that are sure to burn up those calories:

Sun Salutations

Sun Salutations or Surya Namaskara can be your way to ease into your yoga practice. It not only stretches and warms up your muscles but also tones most of your major muscles. It activates your cardiovascular system while engaging your abs, glutes, calves, shoulders, biceps, shoulders, and triceps! It is a set of 12 different asanas and the more number of times you perform the asana without a gap, the more calories you burn.


This yoga version of a squat is a bit more intense! The chair pose activates the largest muscles of the body—the glutes—which automatically burns a whole lot of calories. It works the quads, the glutes, and the abs; add a twist to it and that will help your digestive system and the lymph system. Combine this into one move and you’ve got a great way to lose weight!


According to Mandy Ingber, celebrity yoga instructor and author of ‘Yogalosophy for Inner Strength’, wheel pose engages legs, buttocks, shoulders, arms, as well as your heart and lungs. This pose might take practice and attention to form and alignment, but when mastered, it “opens” the heart, and stretches the entire front of the body.

High Lunge

This yoga version of lunges works the whole body, especially your glutes and quads. It requires balance which makes your body work harder and thus burn more calories! To get the most out of this pose, you will have to bend your front knee so your thigh is parallel to the floor. The longer you hold this position, the tighter your quads get.


This pose is used in different workouts besides yoga. It burns mega calories as it engages major groups of muscles, including your abs, shoulders, and glutes while forcing your body to resist gravity! You can burn even more calories with variations like raising one foot and alternate arm and create a more intense workout. The longer you stay in the pose—from 30 seconds to five minutes—the more calories you burn. It is one of the best ways to strengthen your core. It may not look like much, but drop into plank and it won’t take long for you to feel it in your abs.

These yoga postures can aid in weight loss however, the best way to achieve your desired, healthy weight is through proper diet and maintaining a healthy lifestyle! To know more about how yoga can help control high blood pressure and diabetes, you should check out our blogs ‘Yoga’ Your Way Out Of High Blood Pressure! (Link) and ‘Must Practice’ Yoga Poses That Work Wonders For Diabetes (Link)

For more information visit us

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8 Things to do after completion of yoga teacher training Sat, 20 Jan 2018 05:36:26 +0000 Yoga teachers training is a life-changing experience on both, personal and professional level. Once you have completed your training, you are ready to embark on a new journey! You are an official yoga tutor now. No matter how accomplished you feel, there is still a lot which needs to be done as this is just […]

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Yoga teachers training is a life-changing experience on both, personal and professional level. Once you have completed your training, you are ready to embark on a new journey! You are an official yoga tutor now. No matter how accomplished you feel, there is still a lot which needs to be done as this is just the beginning. From exploring various opportunities to keeping up with your regular yoga practice, you need to put efforts to establish yourself as a yoga tutor.

Here are 8 things which you need to do after completing yoga teacher training in India:

  • Maintain a certification file

You have completed your 200 hour YTT in India and it’s time to apply for teaching jobs. While applying you would need to surface the necessary documents and certificates of the classes and grades you have received for each class. Hence, make a habit of keeping all your certificates filed as they come handy while applying.

  • Don’t quit your old job

While the idea of becoming a full-time yoga tutor after 200 hour yoga teacher training course certainly sounds exciting, it is not advisable to leave your current job at this stage. You are new to the field and it would take you some time to establish yourself as a full-time yoga tutor. You need to join institutes and classes on a part-time basis wherein you can prove your prowess and progress towards becoming a full-time trainer. Be patient and work towards your goal. By that time, your current job will support you financially.

  • Join as assistant

It is essential for every yoga tutor to gain first-hand experience after completing yoga teachers training in Rishikesh. Joining a local yoga studio as an assistant is a great way to gain access to the classroom. While offering assistance you can gain hands-on experience from the senior tutor about class management and how to deal with various students.

  • Make your resume

Just like any other job, applying for Yoga teaching job requires resume too! Include detailed information about your yoga teachers training in Thailand along with the school you have attended and classes you have completed. You can mention your strengths and about your job as an assistant.

  • Promote yourself

In the present day and age, it is important to market yourself and make people aware of your presence in the market. Having your page on various social media platforms will help immensely in gaining popularity. It might take some time to generate inquiries but it certainly helps. You can also have your own website to promote yourself after completing yoga teachers training in Goa.

  • Enhance your network

Just like any other profession, networking is essential for exploring various opportunities once you are done with 200 hour yoga teacher training in India. As you assist at the yoga studio, try to meet various studio owners and fellow tutors. Keep a track of all the people you meet and stay in touch. As you develop your teaching practice, having a strong professional network will take you a long way.

  • Teach regularly

Even if you work as an assistant in studio classes, it is important to teach on a regular basis till the time you establish yourself as experienced yoga tutor. It helps in developing your own teaching pedagogy and also spreads your name in the community. Remain in the habit of teaching and design your own classroom approach.

  • Individual practice

In pursuit of establishing your career, don’t forget that yoga is about developing your own individual self as well. Focus on your own practice to learn newer things and push your limits. Doing so will not only make you a better student but also a better teacher.

If you are a junior yogi or a novice looking for yoga teachers training in Dharamsala, Mahi yoga centre offers the best YTT in India. From experienced gurus to comfortable accommodation, satvik food to serene ambience, you can have a memorable experience here. The centre has been recognized as the best school for yoga alliance certified yoga teacher training in India which enables you to practice as a yoga tutor across the globe.

The post 8 Things to do after completion of yoga teacher training appeared first on Articles For Website.
