What Real Food Can You Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

If you are just pulling out one wisdom tooth – it is OKAY, you can chew on the other side of the mouth, but very carefully!

What if you had to remove more than one tooth & from both sides of the mouth? Scary right! Yes, the first few days are going to be a nightmare if you are food lover, but it is manageable with the right type of foods.

It is important to make sure that you get the right nutrition, as it minimises the complications and helps in reducing the swelling of the tooth and aids in the healing process of the wound. The foods that you consume after the surgery should be very soft and chewable. They must also be rich in vitamins, minerals and protein too. After all, you have just spent on wisdom teeth removal cost in Sydney and foods that you take in should be in par with the speedy recovery process.


Soups that are blend without any lumps are a great nourishment to consume, if you have had your wisdom teeth removed. They are easy to eat and do not irritate the surgical area. Moreover, soups are rich in vitamins and minerals, catering to your daily nutrition requirements and keeps you hydrated.

You only have to make sure that the soup does not contain any bits.


Zinc rich foods help with a speedy recovery of the wound and yogurt is one of the best soft foods that are rich in zinc content.

A healthy food, filled with protein, vitamins and minerals to enjoy after a wisdom teeth removal in Sydney!

Plain Ice Creams 

Though ice creams are not a nutritious choice, the coldness may offer a soothing effect on the wound. It is good to consider only the plain ice creams and avoid the ones with chunks as there are chances the bits might get tangled in the open area of the extracted area of the wisdom tooth.


Not a healthy option though, but its smooth & flexible nature, will help you consume it easily.

Mashed Potatoes

Potatoes contain a lot of fibre, and it is good to eat after your wisdom teeth removal process. All you have to do is, just beat the potatoes to a smoother consistency without any lumps so that it forms super creamy. These mashed potatoes are super easy to eat and can be topped with butter or any gravy to taste even better.

Fruit Smoothies

A healthy fruit smoothie is always a welcome option to consume anytime. Especially when you can’t take in solid foods, fruit smoothies come to the rescue offering all the protein and vitamins necessary for the body. But take care to avoid using fruits with seeds as it may get tangled in the surgical area. Also avoid using straws, as suction could harm the surgery area and cause bleeding.

The bottom line is, you need to choose nutrient rich and soft textured foods after a wisdom teeth removal. These soft foods not only support in recovery but also help avoid discomfort.

The author is an expert dentist who offers affordable wisdom teeth removal cost in Sydney. He offers various tips & guidelines to follow in a wisdom teeth removal process. Visit http://www.wisdomdentalemergency.com.au/ to know more.

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