Sleeve Boxes, winning the race from other styles of packaging

The packaging is the name of the enclosing product for the purpose of its distribution and storing. These are the basic requirements for packaging services. There are only a few designs that fulfill a large range of requirements. Custom Sleeve boxes and pillow-shaped box are simple designs but have such qualities, those distinct them from others. That is the reason why such types of packaging are trending in the market, and brands use them largely. This type of packaging is not only in fashion but winning the race from other designs. Below are some basic features which make them more useful.

Reliable structure

One of the initial things that come into our mind when we build something is its structure. Basic structure not only keeps design simple but also make it cost-effective. Their structure keeps the product safe from any sort of damage in an accident. Custom Sleeve box is a square shape box as simple as it can be, and it protects products from pressing and sudden falling from height damage. However, the pillow-shaped box has a particular design that not only saves its product but also provides an unforgettable appearance to the product. That why products such as soaps are packed with this packaging, it increases the shelf life of the product. The reliable structure gave these designs an extra boost and made them a favorite of the brands.

Easy opening

When a customer opens its product packaging, it also makes the brand image in the mind of the customers. Consider you are opening your product packaging, and it’s difficult and enclosed within never-ending layers, what you will think about the brand. Sleeve slider box is designed in such a way you easily open the box as a drawer, just sliding it with a ribbon strip. Its layers remove easily, and you can get your product more swiftly. Likewise, the pillow-shaped box has a plain design, single cover structure. And you can open it by flipping its one side. This easy opening made it user friendly and customized.

Comfortable handling

These types of designs are handle in a super-easy way. The square-shaped box is easily grabbed, move, and place. It saves a handler from a lot of trouble. However, Pillow shaped box is designed to be small and grab easily. Sometimes its design has curve so, it can’t be slipped from hand. It means both of the design facilitates easy handling of the products.

Convenient storage

Storage is an issue in bulk; the only strong structure of packaging is reliable in the case. The square design is crucial in this regard; it saves the product from any damage and sustains in heavy pressure. Sometimes the sleeve slider box has multiple small product boxes in it because of its design. It might not be possible in other types of design. Contrary to this, the pillow-shaped boxes are fit in small space in prominent numbers. These qualities provide convenience to the handler in proper storage.

Attractive shape

The sleeve slider box is a plain but amazing design. Its simplistic opening and handling made it attractive because they feel they are not opening a package box but a drawer of their desk or cabinet. In comparison with the sleeve boxes, the pillow-shaped box looks cute; that why it use in gift wrapping widely.


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