10 Ways You Can Build Your Confidence After Failure

Failure is one of the hardest things that people face in their lives. No path of success can be treated without overcoming failures as we have to accept, embrace, and learn from the mistakes. Although, confidence is one such powerful virtue, which is hard to regain after a failure. But don’t lose your hope as one can do several activities to regain confidence again. Some of the points to focus on building confidence after failure are:


Focus on the solution:

Many people can’t overcome their failures as they are extremely focused on what already happened to them, the problem they are entangled in, and very little on the solution. The day people start focusing on the solution will be the day they will start getting their confidence back.   

Watch motivational content: 

If you don’t ask for help, no one’s going to help you. Nowadays, it’s very easy to catch someone’s advice, brimming with possibilities that can open doors for a new perspective, making you restart. You can watch powerful motivational youtube channels like Amaresh Jha which are there at your assistance anytime, anywhere. By watching such great content, you will get buzzing with new ideas to rebuild your confidence. 


Traveling is a lifelong experience that you never forget. Travelling can be fun, but it has the potential to improve people’s lives to a great extent. As per studies, people get significantly changed after returning from travel. Traveling is an amazing way to overcome your failure, calm your anxiety, and restart your life. 

Read Books: 

A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies, and the one who doesn’t read, lives just one” – George RR Martin

Reading not only opens new perspectives to see things but provides people with great insight by reading others’ failures, energizing them with a sense of confidence, required to fail, for getting success. Try to read books in your native language, as it will give a sense of affinity and is also considered to be very helpful in low times. Books like Success Mantra by Amaresh Jha will help you with that.

Do Physical Activity: 

It is proved that doing physical activities increases the blood flow in the body, creates an adrenaline rush, and releases dopamine making you people feel good and positive about everything in life, getting them in a good mood, which results in increased confidence. Indulging yourself in at least one physical throughout the day will surely help you.

Practice your work: 

Confidence is the result of how many hours you devote to something. If you spend 100 hours in something you will automatically get confident about it. Inspecting any motivational speaker in India in front of thousands of people reveals that they speak with full confidence, which was the result of pure dedication and devotion. 

Follow Motivational speakers: 

Motivational speakers or counselors are the people who have more knowledge about the lives of people, their failures, and success compared to the rest of us. It’s very helpful to watch transformational and motivational videos of Amaresh Jha or others as you can get valuable insights from them about gaining your lost confidence. 

Make a to-do list:

 When you organize your life by making a to-do list, it’s beneficial in building confidence. Crossing off, everything you have completed on the list is going to give a sense of achievement that will certainly make you feel great about yourself and your achievements.

Put Deadlines: 

A dream without a deadline is just a dream, so try to convert it into a goal by putting a deadline on it. It will put a wee bit of external pressure on you proving your shot of self-confidence, as you complete the tasks within the given deadline.

External Coach: 

Sometimes external motivation can get you to do things for a few days but for you will eventually need a strong reason to do it or else you will be giving authority to some external body to govern you. Meeting with people facing the same issues like yours in the coaching centers surely helps you in overcoming those failures and making you more confident than ever before. This promotes consistency and helps in tracking our progress efficiently.

Failure is just a part of the journey, read books, watch a motivational video in Hindi or your native language, talk to people, or simply do some action. Inaction is the biggest and the most common reason for losing confidence after failure, as your actions are proof of your words.

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