10 Different Ways to Add Value to Your Business Relationship

I frequently question how I may inject value to the coaching business school industry as a whole, not simply my own coaching practice. I thought of ten ideas you might be interested in implementing for yourself. They have to do with making an impact, sending a ripple of good energy out into the world.

Who knows just how doing any of these small things might come back to you…

1.   Start your own expert Twitter account.

Commit to 30 minutes a day reading books or articles about your business niche. Next, tweet a couple of insights about what you read and found informative. Not just are you investing in yourself by staying up to date in the industry, you are adding value by offering recommendations of articles for others to read. Using relevant hashtags like #coaching #business #leadership #bizgrowth gets your posts into the online conversation.

2.   Curate industry specific information.

Read business books across different specific niches and recap them into 5000 words. The married C-level executive with international obligations and a family will thank you …

3.   Pass along a great book you’ve read to someone who you admire.

Perhaps they’re in a role that you want in the future. You never know just how, or when, they might return the favor.

4.   Commit to attending a couple of industry conferences each year.

After those events write up an article that summarizes the top-level takeaways and publish it on Social Media. Create a few of the most insightful tweets from the conference and publish them across your social accounts (including Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn).

5.   Email 2 – 4 stories you found beneficial to a coach or close contact in the industry who has a similar interest in the topic.

They will appreciate you thinking of them and it will maintain interaction with that person.


6.   Introduce two of your contacts to each other.

Let’s say you understand a publisher is looking for contributors to compose for its website/blog/podcast and a good friend in the market is looking to make a name for himself/herself in that area – you might consider connecting the two. Introduce them to each other and let them take them run from there. The key here is in not anticipating anything in return. It is enough to stay top-of-mind with both contacts. That way, if a coaching opportunity opens up, they might think of you if they consider you might be an excellent fit.

  1. Start your own niche media channel where you talk to industry This is a wonderful way to capture the market’s attention. Richard Rierson has actually done this well with “A Dose of Leadership” and Christopher McAuliffe has done really well with “The Coaching Show”. I’ve interviewed both of them and received fantastic direct exposure for my coaching business.

8.   Facilitate an online coaching/business conference.

This is much simpler stated than done; I’ve run a few of my own over the years. Nevertheless, you don’t need hundreds of people to attend in order for it to be an amazing event. As a bonus, you can likewise turn your recorded sessions into a Youtube channel and podcast series for ongoing engagement.

9.   Be a podcast guest.

There are plenty of podcasters that are constantly searching for guests to have on their show. Make a list of your preferred podcast hosts and let them know your background and knowledge. If you are an excellent fit they will have you as a guest.

10.     Be the best you can be.

I am just talking here about being the best coach you can be, but likewise the best authority you can be. The best human. What would it take for you to be the very best market leader? What role can you play in the development of the Coaching market and help us to usher in a new age of Executive and Business Coaching?

What new ideas can you bring?


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