Democracy in india

After a long struggle for freedom from the clutches of the british government ,a major challenge that lay in the hands of the indian leaders was the kind of governance they would choose for the young india with the first general election in free india in 1951,the country took its first step towards democracy.Since the fifteen general elections have been held in india.The democratic form og government is elected by the people of the country and it is completely answerable to the people under all circumstances.

Democracy in india has passed through many stresses and strains.The population of our country was predominanatly illitrate and thus unaware of their rights as well as the duties of the elected candidates towards them.This encourages the politicians to not only fool he minority population of the country but also to take advantage of caste,religion and religion bias.They have been a huge stunbling block in the correct expansion of democracy.

People of india fail to realize the benefits of a democratic form of government,people in a democratic set up are not forced to follow rules,they are expected to be discoplined themselves.The government gives citizens the freedom of speech,religion “Democratic deconsolidation” on the level of attitudes and beliefs is real, and behind it lies a disturbing rise in tolerance for antisocial behavior, especially among the young.

A look at liberal democracy’s complex historical evolution shows that elite fantasies of liberalism without democracy are ill-founded. Authoritarian legacies and democratic deficits lie at the core of trends that threaten liberal rights.espite high hopes for progress toward democracy, the military’s power remains stubbornly entrenched, while Aung San Suu Kyi seems to lack the skills to run the government effectively.

The term appeared in the 5th century BC, to denote the political systems then existing in Greek city-states, notably to mean “rule of the people”, in contrast to, meaning “rule of an elite”. While theoretically these definitions are in opposition, in practice the distinction has been blurred historically.The political system of Classical Athens, for example, granted democratic citizenship to free men and excluded slaves and women from political participation. In virtually all democratic governments throughout ancient and modern history, democratic citizenship consisted of an elite class until full enfranchisement was won for all adult citizens in most modern democracies through the suffrage movements of the 19th and 20th centuries.


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