How to create a Great and Engaging Website in 2020

What’s a website? It’s an library of information on the internet. Going by it’s basic definition, you’re not going to get anywhere, so we’ve decided to get you started with the ways of making websites. Here’s the thing, website in the 90s was much different from what it’s now. Pictures, videos, your social media timeline, banter, articles, industry specific discussion, podcast and bad as well as good blood all comes in a single package now. Websites unlike social media can do a lot of standalone stuff, whereas on the former side, you might have to look for specialization and quality. Since, we’re talking websites, here are ways to build it, the most awesome way possible.


Ahh. Good old design. We can debate about aesthetics without an ending to it and how it can be interpreted but, design on a website isn’t for interpretation. It serves a purpose not just aesthetics wise but also navigation. Designs can be complex or simple, based on one’s taste or consumer base (though we prefer you take the middle route), but it needs to have clarity and be classy or pompous (again based on your taste). Whipping up mere designs won’t work in 2020; you need to understand the flow, restrict it from sending out uncalled for messages. In conclusion, make sure your website design is not just cool towards you but also towards other people’s eyes.

Confirm to Convert:

The first thing when laying out website plans, it’s to look at the third person perspective. Who is your audience, what’s the expansion plans and what will be the future audience? For a layman, who’s entered the subject for the first time, they rather avoid jargon and complex vanity of words, as it does nothing good to give them info. If it’s an industry expert, hardcore fan (even a fanatic), they can understand you. So, when you’re planning to confirm your audience, make sure you convert them. So make sure they don’t feel stupendously odd, when they go through your website and leave defeated without access to any useful information.

Call to Action:

People call it fraud, and to be bluntly honest, they’ve not optimized their site enough. Call to actions like ‘click-here’, ‘stocks last until tomorrow’ and various such phrases which create a sense of urgency and command control over the user’s action need to be part of your site. When you talk about a good website, call to action should address the issue of converting your audience’s reaction into actions which not only benefit them but also you. So, make sure you add call to action, wherever necessary.

Simplify your addresses:

You offer hundreds of products and services. Or you might offer a couple of them which workout as a bundle as well. When addressing your customers with services, make sure you simplify them and make them right on point. A thesaurus of blatant trumpeting of your services and products isn’t going to work. You could club up certain data or use call to action to prove your point. For e.g.: If you’re selling a battery car which has 5 variants and another with 10 variants, you don’t have to list out the 15 separately. Instead you can club the similar product with multi-variants and create option pages, so your customers don’t have to go around looking for the right one.

Make it fast & Make it Snappy:

Your website needs to have content that’s readable. I, as a viewer will be invested into reading or watching something, if it attracts my attention. ‘Click baiting’ is the common way of honey trapping viewers but must not become the norm of your site. Instead, interesting headlines, good meta description and a healthy dose of humor would turn heads and attract audience towards your site. The early days of blogging had been completely different and relied heavily on good quality content. Good quality content can be only consumed if there’s something attractive and snappy call, which brings us towards it. So make sure next time, your header and meta description must be something snappy and unique which might not be inside the website but gives the gist of an entire content.

Videos are the way to Go:

Videos are a great way of supplementing content on your website. Videos have to be quick, snappy and fun to watch which explain the point. From tutorial videos to funny experiments, videos have this sense of motion which attracts viewers towards them. Images have always invoked curiosity and combined with auditory impulses; videos have changed the way we consume content. Websites nowadays have added viability and capacity of streaming audio and video, thus investing on video content for you website is a must.

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