Workplace mindfulness, an idea whose time is come!

In the last five hundred years, humanity is made continuous advance in the direction of knowledge, knowing and subtler discoveries of and about nature. Almost the entire world systematically built infrastructure to know, grow and make strides towards a more aware world – albeit slowly, but increasingly at a faster pace.

Today, the social fabric provides just the right ingredients – more aware populace; availability of infrastructure and resources to advance self; and global free exchange of information and ideas – in a sense, a right democratic environment for advancement of the whole human race.

If we look at previous such periods in human history – one thread is found quite common – a more globally active business community. In a sense – human occupation with more creative pursuits of life – enhancing the quality of life for fellow humans in some way. More people are creatively engaged in workplaces to solve and make their fellow humans’ life better. Lesser people indeed are hunting, gathering, and militarily engaged in wars – than say a few centuries ago. The right ingredients to do more aware work indeed. This is a window of opportunity for humankind to advance, may be only for a few hundred years, while this scenario still lasts.

Workplaces over the last fifty years or so have also evolved to more mind-based work than robotic tasks of running larger than life machines. Therefore, employees at workplaces are engaged in creating better life experiences for their customers. This is such a time of positivity and knowledge. More and more humans are unbound from the shackles of having to physically exert to make the days count. This indeed is so liberating.

Like in all situations, every scenario has two sides to its story. As we create better life experiences and living standards for each other, our civilization is consuming resources at a much faster pace. This too a common thread, in most civilizational downfalls. As resources deplete – chances are that we begin a downward spiral – as nature heals itself – to prepare for the next civilization that advents after us.

While we are around, to make the best use of opportunity we are presented, as also to sustain our existence – it is about time that we bring higher awareness to workplaces, the prime movers of the times we live in. Collectively the top 100 workplaces and businesses, would be holding more than 90% of all the global wealth. And in that sense, it is imperative – that they smarter in raising consciousness of people they impact, as also use resources in a more aware and sustainable manner.

Question is, who would do this? Naturally, the people at work. The more people in workplaces are aware and mindful, the higher the chances of right decisions – for the self, for the organization, for the customer and for the societies they are embedded in, at large. Mindfulness therefore is not just an idea for a recluse – but for all the active constituents of human society, i.e., the workforce, employed in organizations worldwide. Mindfulness has become an increasingly popular practice in the social existence as also in the domain of research with increasingly high amount of work being done in the space. Mindfulness at workplace is an idea whose time is really arrived.

Based on observation around, I see, organizations large to small are going to increasingly focus on three applications of mindfulness – one’s that will set the pace for larger societal evolution of more aware, positive, and psychologically healthy humans. Organizing is one such area – how to be aware of just the tasks that one does, but the impact of own actions on various aspect of organization and living. Secondly, mindful leaders, who may augment their cognitive capabilities with higher consciousness – thus enhancing their perspective building and decision-making capabilities. Thirdly and most importantly the domain of service to fellow humans – service that brings well-being to others around us – particularly those who are the customers.

I see mindfulness at work, therefore, as the vehicle with a potential for larger societal transformation – particularly as it is more likely to be based on core human values – rather than those colored by so many ways in which human society generally tends to divide itself by. Looking forward for this time to dawn – as more and more organizations embrace mindfulness at work.

Author is currently engaged in thinking about mindfulness applications to workplace realities and is open to your suggestions on your experiences, co-development ideas and collaborations. Do watch this space for more publications and research by the author in this space.

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