Android App development process For development of a great app

The process of app development is very much complex in nature and there is also a need for many professionals to make the app a better one. Android applications are becoming famous daily and many companies are introducing their android apps to gain more customers and so an android application development company will help a lot to make your app a perfect one. But before you seek the help from such a company you must know some of the basic stages of product development.

Now it is important to note down that there are more than 5 million apps available in the market which is included in both Android as well as iOS. Because of the advancement of technology, the process of mobile app development is becoming very easy and also less time-consuming.

Table of Contents

Stages of app development

Keeping all the points in mind you must hire dedicated developers India to prepare your perfect app. Preparing a perfect app involves 6 basic stages and the stages are given below-

Stage1- Idea

In case of everything you develop it is important to have a clear idea about it and the same is the case fo the development of the app. If you already know what you want to have in your app then you can easily go to the next step. But if you are unaware of the type of app you want to build then you must consider a few things before you start to make your app. The things are-

  • Purpose of the app that you want to develop
  • You must know the problems that you might solve with the help of this app you are creating
  • Target audience
  • Features and other factors that will be better in your app in comparison with other apps
  • The reason which will allow people to use your apps over other apps

Stage2- Strategy

The building strategy is very important when you are developing your own app. This is because you cannot develop an app by any person as that can lead to a loss of your money. You will have to do a few things like picking the best option, calculating your budget, researching the market, and finally setting the timeframe. However, many people are impatient and they skip all these steps but it is better when you research the market properly to know the picture of the market.

After researching tin the market you will find better solutions for your app and when you find competitors then that can help you in-

  • Giving a good understanding about the app
  • Revealing the interest of potential customers for your app
  • Allowing you to see the app developed by your competitors. Try seeing the ideas developed by them, how they take feedback from customers, and most importantly see their flaws which you don’t want to have in your app.

Stage3- Creating a prototype

It is basically the stage where you sketch out the mobile application that you are going to have in the future that is developing the prototype. It must not be done in papers as Google offers various software that will help in providing the animations for your future app. By using these tools a developer can easily share the design with anyone and will also get an understanding of the process of initial app development.

  • Prototyping tools- When you are having a clear idea about the app you can start working on its prototype. There are many tools like Balsamiq and Invision which the developers can use. Balsamiq is basically a type of Lego constructer that will allow the developers in building your app form different pieces. Invision tool helps in visualizing your idea by presenting them in an understandable and easy way. It may be basic but the developers can also add heavy design and then try in versions of web and mobile.
  • Application workflow- This is the stage for creating requesting and managing the development stage of your app. Moreover, budget control, market plan, and also the development of team management are very essential.
  • UI/UX design- UI/UX that is User Interface and User Experience help in measuring the effectiveness of your app.
  • Design- It is important to have design solutions and developers can also seek the help from Sketch and Zeplin.

Stage4 Searching for a developer or a team

It is not at all an easy task to find out the perfect one and hire an android developer for your app making. It is always better to hire a team which is having previous experience and is working for a long time in this field. In this process, you will also be deciding the type of app you want from your developer that is hybrid, native or web app.

Then the developers will choose the stack of technology for the backend development. All these steps will be possible only after you select the perfect team of developers for your app.

Stage5- Testing

This is the crucial stage where you will have to test your app so that you can launch it in the app store. There are basically two stages and they are alpha testing and Beta testing. Alpha testing helps in allowing some of the users to use the app and report problems. Then comes Beta testing which is the final phase of testing. After the closed testing the Beta testing is released for the audience and depending on their feedback the main app is launched.

Stage6- Deploying an app

Creating a developer’s account is important and then linking merchant account. Then the developer will have to go through the phase of app listing. Uploading the APK is then essential. Then the developers will get an option for setting distribution and pricing. Check the information has been provided or not, the app is running properly or not. After seeing that there are no warnings from Google the developer will publish.


It is very hard to develop an app for android but mobile application development services are there who actually make it look easy for the clients. Try choosing the perfect one for yourselg by following the above tips.


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