It Would Definitely Help If Streamers Could Fill That Void

If PvP were eliminated from there, it’d free up a massive part of property to relocate content and declutter other areas of RS gold. It’d be no different than the decluttering Jagex did when they removed Mobilising Armies. They’ve tried”fixing” the Wilderness in earlier times by incentivizing gameplay there with exclusive training methods which yield faster experience. The final result is that PvPers turned to griefers who prey on people who take the gamble to train there. Needless to say, that”fix” has been piss-poor, but no one that would like to”rescue” the Wilderness has produced a viable strategy to create PvP (other than, of course, more tacky incentives which promote griefing).

The simple fact of the matter is, people can’t be forced by Jagex to PvP. For PvP there should be. Right now, there are not enough of those gamers, and a”PvP Wilderness” isn’t something players need or are curious about. RuneScape should continue to reflect the community that plays with it. Because players don’t PvP the PvP Wilderness is a model that is obsolete, and couple would risk wealth while in there. Therefore, PvP should be disabled from the region.

People will need to stop asking to be removed when there are options for Legacy style and just go and play with OSRS. Yet people still ask for it. On subject, personally, I say to”Nerf Warbands”. Rather it is currently a players can utilize reset. All 3 Warband Websites are active with mobs (though with different factions or the exact same faction), however it’s instanced/visible only to the player. The player has to solo the mob encounter. Looting/rewards don’t change. Treachery’s Wand is presently a fall from the Warband camp leaders. They will need to make the Wand augmentable.

Mod Ash discovered the Largest Gold Farm in OSRS

Rev Caves are destroying OSRS in more than one way. Quality of PKing was destroyed, the amount of gold being attracted into RuneScape and marketed is from control.I still do not know why the revs have been voted to maintain one fucking cave. Why not have them roaming the wilderness like they did in 2008? Rather than concentrating everyone into a dumb fucking cave people would be spread by roaming revs across the wilderness, such as pkers. We voted to nerf nieve’s cave and immediately voted in rev caves. Everybody wants everything to be mega efficient without thinking about any long term consequences.

Some additions that were terrible have been suggested by jagex but so have we. And we have voted the mild day in some terrible content that should have never seen. I want the voting system acted more as a powerful proposal to jagex for exactly what we wanted and not the end all be all decision maker (minus some very specific times jagex overruled it). Obviously the challenge is that you take a good part of the fans shout about it and that strategy. I agree that lovers shouldn’t be the arbiters of everything makes it into RuneScape, but lots of OSRS feel entitled to that power.

They feel like that because they were given power by Jagex. A massive supervision IMHO. Jagex must possess under control their IP. I enjoy the concept of having a strong influence by players and fans because Jagex would otherwise wind up generating runescape 2107 gold (with MTX and Evolution of Combat again): Jagex gave themselves the ability to utilize a time machine and remade things without falling into the very same traps and mistakes. This does not mean they can do so by themselves. People in the company change. Shareholders are greedy. Managers want profit and cars. Giving too much power to a lot – many of them don’t even know what is using a job that is severe -.


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