Best Running Tips To Help You Become A Better Runner

We humans have reached the top of the food chain because our big brains helped us outwit predators and prey. Is it reasonable, right? But maybe it’s our heart, our lungs and our legs that made our brain so big in the first place. As a species, we can run very well. In fact, our ability to run for hours is incredibly rare in the animal kingdom, and we may be here only because our ancestors developed this ability as a hunting tactic to exhaust even the largest and strongest prey that escaped them.

The endurance race hypothesis, a well-researched field of anthropology and human evolution, states that it was our long-distance running ability that gave these small groups of hunters and gatherers the essential animal fats and proteins that not only allowed them to survive, but also thrive, today, our survival does not depend on the ability to survive a mammoth, but regular walking increases life expectancy and quality of life. This will make you fit, healthier and even happier. Numerous studies have shown that execution significantly reduces the likelihood of depression, anxiety, and other mental illnesses, improves mood and increases the sense of energy and well-being.

  1. Have a plan:

Whether you plan to finish your first real race or destroy your personal marathon, you need a plan or you run the risk of getting nowhere. You have two options: find more a good plan out of place, or ask a qualified treadmill to make a custom, trainer. The generic plans are available for free, depending on reaching a set distance in a target time, and many brokers have used them successfully. Make sure it has been prepared by an expert and that you understand the reasons for each session. In this way, you can make small changes based on your weekly program and progress.

  1. Get an MOT:

Before starting a new plan, especially if you are running or returning after an absence or injury, it is a good idea to be persuaded to solve the bottlenecks or solve other potential problems. When you run to run in a serious tone, it is important that you recognize and correct bad habits as soon as possible.

Make an appointment with a physiotherapist or sports masseuse that may present weakness, rigidity or imbalances. When an expert judges you by how you walk, you will see weaknesses or peculiarities that, if ignored, could cause pain or injuries.

  1. Execute your routine:

The key to a better runner, no matter how far apart, is the consistency. “The fact that you come regularly will soon see an improvement in your cardiovascular condition, an increase in your sustained rhythm and your overall speed and better recovery.” This only applies if you follow a reasonable, realistic and progressive process. Make a plan of training and know how to implement it. Schedule long trips on the days that suit you.

  1. Choose the correct type:

Think about where you will run and buy shoes that are suitable for the terrain. If you work mainly off the road, street shoes with built-in heels are not suitable, as they can become unstable and turn an ankle. Similarly, a pair of running shoes with a low pore sole on paved roads will be very uncomfortable as rivets are pressed on the soles of the feet.

  1. Select Smarter Socks:

You must use the socks you want to wear forever if you decide to put on a shoe. The thickness of your sock can have a big impact on the fit and feel of your shoe, especially if your feet expand with heat. Runners must wear specific socks to run because they have additional padding over the area of ​​the feet, toes, and heel. This additional padding reduces the impact and protects important areas that can form bubbles. Generally, there is also padding or a narrower area through the arch to adjust the footwear and provide better support for the arch.


Actually, you can lie in bed faster. Sleeping is one of the most important forms of recovery and gives you time to adapt to the physical and mental needs of the workout, Lack of sleep can lead to poor performance, both for a bad night and the accumulation of a bad dream on consecutive nights. Reducing sleep for more than a week can put you at debt through sleep and affect your sleep Performance negative. You should aim for at least seven, preferably eight or nine hours a night.

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