A feasible New Year’s resolution: to be conscious

Mindfulness – New Year’s Resolution

With today’s technology that encourages us to multitask, and today’s life more active, it’s easy to ask yourself before going to bed: “Where was the day?” Fortunately, you can break this pattern in this new year, because being more present is a very achievable goal. In addition, mindfulness training has been shown to have positive physical and emotional effects.

The benefits of mindfulness

Reduce stress

Whenever the body feels fear or other negative emotions, it has a physical response to stress, even if the emotion is related to something that happened years ago. Learning to focus on what is happening now can help reduce emotional reactivity to things of the past (or future) and keep your stress level low.

Increase the concentration.

Latest android phones, tablets and even the ability to open multiple browser windows at the same time may seem convenient, but it can make it difficult to focus on a given task. Practicing mindfulness re-trains your brain to focus on one task at a time, which greatly increases productivity.

Improve positive coping skills

Inspirational short stories about life As you learn to become more aware and increase your awareness of the present moment, it becomes easier to notice when you become angry or worried. Realizing these negative emotions quickly before they overwhelm you also make it easier to take corrective actions, such as focusing on your breathing and looking for tension in your body.

Integrate mindfulness into your routine

Practice mindfulness everyday

Just as exercise and dieting work well only when done regularly, you’ll notice bigger changes and more quickly if you incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine. The training should not be long. 10 to 15 minutes a day of calm meditation, focusing on your breathing and the tension buried in your body is a good goal.

Go against the flow

Pushing your body and mind out of their normal routine will automatically promote mindfulness because you will have to pay more attention to complete tasks. Just brush your teeth with your non-dominant hand to stimulate new neurons. The exercise will be awkward at first, it does not matter. Be alert to strange physical sensations and emotions such as frustration or impatience. Then continue what you did while having this awareness with you.

Note the points of contact

Contact points are objects that you come in contact with daily, ideally several times a day. Choosing a point of contact, such as a cell phone or doorknob, and making an effort to really notice each time you touch it will help you connect to the present throughout your day and keep your mindfulness goal.

Mindfulness and other resolutions

New Year’s resolutions are usually big goals that we hope will change our lives for the better: losing weight, getting out of debt, quitting. But it’s hard to stick to it.

In one way or another, however, all of our usual resolutions have in common that we spend our lives on autopilots. So deciding to be more attentive and sticking to it in the simple way described in this article could be the first step in realizing your other resolutions.

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