A Guide on Deciding Between Android App Development & iOS Development

Mobiles phones have broken all the records to become the most used devices of all time. Mobile app development has consequently become a promising market for anyone who is looking forward to investing.

The two contenders sharing this huge market are Android and iOS. Although Android is the clear winner with 70% of the mobile users to its credit, iOS with the remaining 30% users can not be overlooked either.

So if you are planning to step into this market, first and foremost, you need to understand your needs. Only then you will be able to decide if you need an Android App Development Company or an IOS App Development team.

Here are few points you should consider before choosing the right platform for yourself:

In-app purchases

Devices that run on IOS are costlier. So, the users who use Apple devices are more likely to pay for in-app purchases, making it more beneficial to invest in an IOS App Development Company. At the same time, android devices users consist of people from different social strata and, the ones belonging to the low economic background are less likely to pay.


Android has fewer restrictions when it comes to development than iOS. An Android app development company can ensure that your app runs seamlessly on several devices. It gives greater flexibility and lets you develop apps irrespective of the platform your device is using.

IOS imposes more restrictions like the developers may need to use software like Xcode that work only on Mac. Moreover, transferring files to others devices not running on this platform can often become an issue.


It would be wrong to say that Android does not give a good performance. But, the performance of Apple devices and the UX they offer is better. IOS is fast, reliable and has fewer bugs.

Publishing the app

Publishing the app is easier on Android. If your app does not violate the terms, it is likely to be approved without any hassles. The app store is a bit strict and may reject the app if it is not relevant or useful even if it abides by all the rules.


iOS with stricter guidelines is user-centric and safe. Android, on the other hand-side, uses open source code that is more open to security threats.


Though Android gives flexibility, it also takes more time when it comes to development. Testing for several screen sizes can be time-consuming and require more money. On the other hand, going for an iOS app development company is likely to take lesser time and give higher ROI.

Now that you know the basic differences, it is time to pick up which one should you go for?

What Should I Choose?

If you are still confused about what would be the right choice for you, you need to take a deeper look into your plans.

Hire an iOS App Development Company, if you want to:

  • Focus on in-app purchases.
  • Are concerned about the security of users.
  • Are eager to speed up the development process.
  • Don’t want to compromise on quality.

Hire a Android App Development Company, if you are planning on:

  • Reaching more and more people for pay, ideal for per download model
  • Building an app accessible on different screen sizes.
  • An easy publishing process
  • Simplified development process

Always Choose Talentelgia – No Matter What!

We understand the importance of our clients as individuals. Since people have different choices, we value their choices. So no matter, whether you are looking for an android app development company or IOS development services , you can always bank on us as we have skilled professionals to take care of all our needs!

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