The Ultimate Guide to Select Shaving Brush

Along with a good razor, a great shaving brush can pair up for a shaving ritual. However, the selection of razors can be simplified by selecting a safety razor that’s environmentally friendly. Eco razor, a paper razor is the best selection in that case. However, selecting the right shaving brush can also be challenging at times. In this article, we’ll explore different types of brushes so that you can select the best one for your shaving ritual.

Different types of brush bristles

While choosing a shaving brush, the bristles of the brushes are that you must consider as there are available in a plethora of shapes and sizes. Traditionally, the brush bristles were made using animal hair like the hair of horses, badgers, and boards. Mostly horsehair was used that came from its tail so that no harm or distress is caused to the animal.

In recent times, demand for cruelty-free products has lead to the development of synthetic bristles. The main problem with the synthetic bristles was that they were not easily recyclable. With technological advances, now the quality and recyclability property of the bristles have improved. Now, the bristles can easily retain water and are equally soft like those bristles that were made from animal hair.

Therefore, while you select the brush make sure that you choose an eco-friendly option. The body and bristles of the brush must be made with recyclable materials.

How to choose the right fit?

Depending on the brand and style the shape and size of the brush vary. There are a variety of options like tall, short, dense, bulb-shaped, and flat. You can check out reviews of various brushes. Though a simple rule for the best selection is that if you prefer to use soaps for shaving then stick to short bulb-shaped brushes whereas if you use creams then go for flatter and taller brushes.

Above all other factors, you must always choose an eco-friendly option for shaving,  be it your brush or razor. The handles of both razor and brush should be plastic-free. The plastic handles get accumulated in the landfills and become a major reason for landfills. Eco razor is one of the best choices when it is to eco-friendly shaving.

About Eco razor

The concept of Eco Razor is brought to light by Utilaa. It acquired the concept from the milk cartons that were also made of paper but were used to store liquid milk. By using the same quality of materials Eco razor is made. It has a paper body with stainless steel blades. Due to the use of such material in its body, the razor can be easily used in the wet shaving process. The best part is it is a disposable razor that doesn’t harm our environment. Moreover, it folds flat and can be easily carried in a bag. So, it is an appropriate option if you are looking for a travel-friendly razor.

Now, you have the right set of brushes and razors. Go and have a happy shaving experience!

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