Which is the best online pharmacy in Delhi and why?

Pharmacy is shop or part of shop where medicines and drugs are prepared and sold . The actual definition of pharmacy is ,it is art, practice, or profession of preparing, preserving , compounding,and dispensing medical drugs .

The responsibilities of pharmacists :-

•the quality of medicines supplied to patients

•ensuring that the supply of medicines is within the law

•ensuring that the medicines prescribed to patients are suitable

•advising patients about medicines, including how to take them, what reactions may occur and answering patients’ questions.

•They also supervise the medicines supply chain and ensure pharmacy premises and systems are fit for purpose

•advise other healthcare professionals about safe and effective medicines use, and safe and secure supply of medicines

•respond to patients’ symptoms and advise on medicines for sale in pharmacies

•provide services to patients, such as smoking cessation, blood pressure measurement and cholesterol management

•supervise the production and preparation of medicines and assessments of quality of medicines before they are supplied to patients from pharmaceutical manufacturers.

Pharmacists work in many different work environments. These include:

Community pharmacies (sometimes called retail or high street pharmacy) and hospitals. Most pharmacists work in community and hospital pharmacy

Pharmaceutical production or sales in the pharmaceutical industry

Prisons, primary care organisations, universities in teaching and research, the military, veterinary pharmacy and pharmacy organisations.

With the digital world many countries has started online pharmacy

An online pharmacy is an internet-based vendor that sells medicines and includes both legitimate and illegitimate pharmacies. Independent Internet-only sites, online branches of “brick-and-mortar” pharmacies, and sites representing partnership among pharmacies fall under the purview on “online pharmacies.” Contemporary times are witnessing a surge in E-commerce, including online shopping, and this includes the sale of prescription and nonprescription medicines as well. The concept of online pharmacies and online sale of medicines has been in vogue worldwide for more than two decades. An estimated 2986 online pharmacies were operating globally in the year 2008,the numbers of which would have risen as of today. Indian consumers too have begun using these online services in the recent times. Laws for E-commerce are ill-defined and subject to varied interpretations. Various laws such as the Information Technology Act, 2000; the Drug and Cosmetics Act, 1940; Drugs and Cosmetic Rules, 1945; Pharmacy Act, 1948; and the Indian Medical Act, 1956, govern the online pharmacies in India. Many of these, including the Drugs and Magic Remedies Act, under which drug advertisements are regulated, were written when use of computers and the internet was not as prevalent as it is now. Laws do exist for online pharmacy stores in India. As per the Indian laws, medicines can be sold only by a registered pharmacy that has a retail license and a registered pharmacist on payroll. A prescription for medicines ordered is mandatory, except for sale of over-the-counter products. Orders for medicines can be taken only from areas where the pharmacy retail license applies. All the medicines must be verified and certified by the registered pharmacist before delivery. However, there is an ambiguity regarding shipping of medicines from one state to another and whether a pharmacy is allowed to collect money before delivery of medicines. Exporting medicines India directly to the customers is highly regulated. Furthermore, no provision exists to recognize the prescription written by a doctor who is not registered in India.

Online pharmacies offer better pricing than offline stores, with increased access, lower transaction and product costs, convenience and greater anonymity for consumers. They offer accessibility to people with limited mobility and people in remote areas

There are many online pharmacy apps in Delhi but the most used and best app is 3MEDS.3MEDS is the best healthcare company that home delivers the widest range of prescription medicines and other medical products from licensed vendors through booking online or over the phone. We also provide the local pharmacists with the out of stock item available to them and retain their offline clients. You can also use 3MEDS App to order the medicines at a discounted price through your phone.

Following are the features of 3MEDS app:-

1.You will have to upload a valid prescription to buy medicines via the 3MEDS App. In case you want to buy healthcare products such as skin creams, general medicines, diabetic footwear and so forth, a prescription is not required.

2. 3meds is the intermediate between consumer and Licensed Vendor. Please be assured that we will provide you the billing invoice of the licensed vendor with their GST details, so the same can be verified at your personal end.

3.3meds is focus on providing the desired product to the consumer in the most efficient manner by providing doorstep delivery. Here Consumers can be a direct client or maybe a pharmacist itself who is out of stock with any item. As already mentioned we also provide the local pharmacists with the out of stock item available to them and retain their offline clients.

4.You will receive a tracking Id and courier name once your order is shipped. Using these details you can track your order on the website/application.

5.To cancel an order raise a cancel request from the order section on the website or Application or send us an e-mail at [email protected] with all details (Order number, the reason for cancellation).

6.3meds will always deliver a product with fresh manufacturing date and at least have 3 months of expiry remaining. If anyhow still received an expired product or upcoming expiry, feel free to place a return or replace request on the website or application. Your item will be replaced.

7.the delivery address can be changed before shipping via the Website or Application.

8.there are no hidden charges; MRP is inclusive of all taxes. Only the delivery charges can be imposed depending upon your package amount and PIN Code.

9.Standard Delivery Time is 3 to 5 business days. Delivery times may vary depending on the delivery location as well as the type of products you have ordered.

10.3meds ‘s website is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call Centre support is available from Monday to Saturday, from 09:30 am to 07:00 pm.

11. 3MEDS App is available free of cost over Play Store. After you download the app don’t forget to subscribe to it as this would entitle to many more benefits.

12.3MEDS app is 100% safe to use. Any payment done via the app will be encrypted and kept safe from fraudsters. We take the responsibility in ensuring that your payment details are kept safe and stored via our intelligence team who work continuously hard in keeping your personal information confidential.

13.Currently, we accept all Visa, MasterCard and American Express Credit Cards and all major Debit Cards. You can also pay via Bank Transfers (NEFT/IMPS).

14.You will be receiving an invoice or bill on the name of a licensed vendor who is registered with us. Please be assured that all the vendors registered with us are thoroughly verified before registration.

15.The item will be only returned or replaced in case of expired delivery or wrong item delivered.

You can anytime send us an email at [email protected] and can expect revert with 24 hours.

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