Top 8 Advantages And Benefits Of Digital Marketing

Digital is real. It is booming like fire and people are going gaga over it. Today, tons of companies and brands are leveraging the power of digital marketing to grow their brands and audience. 

From small-scale startups to large-scale MNC, everyone is using the power of digital marketing for growing their brand. 

So, if you want to leverage digital marketing for your business and wanted to know what are the benefits associated with it, then keep reading this blog post till the end.

In this post, you’ll come across 10 advantages and benefits of digital marketing in 2021

1. Cost-effective

Let’s face it. 

Digital marketing is cost-effective as compared to traditional marketing techniques. That’s why even small startups and solopreneurs are leveraging digital marketing.

In fact, some of the digital marketing strategies and techniques can be leveraged for free as well. 

For example; content writing and SEO can be done for free, provided that you have knowledge on the topic. 


The cost of running ads on Facebook, social media, and Google is also less as compared to the cost of running ads on TV, newspaper, and other print media ads.

2. Easy to use

The next in this list of benefits of digital marketing is it is easy to use. You need any pre-requisite qualification to learn and leverage digital marketing strategies and techniques. 

Whatever your educational background be, you can surely leverage digital marketing with ease. 

The only thing which is required to make full use of digital marketing is passion. If you have the passion then no one can stop you from creating award-winning online marketing strategies. 

You can also learn digital marketing on your own by starting your own blog, enrolling in courses, reading books and blogs, or watching YouTube videos. 

3. Universally applicable

Whether you run a small-scale business or a large MNC, anyone can use digital marketing irrespective of the size of the business. Top brands like Nike, Amazon, Apple are also leveraging the power of digital marketing. 

On the other hand, you’ll also find that some local shop owners and businesses have also started selling their products and services online.

So, why are you behind?

If you are running a business and want to take it to the next level then make sure you are using digital.

4. Tons of strategies and techniques

Gone are the days when businesses were having only a few marketing techniques and strategies to leverage. With the growth of digital, businesses have tons of online marketing strategies in their inventory. 

With the help of digital marketing strategies businesses can now reach more audiences, customize the campaign, generate leads, get more returns, generate more profits and sales.

Digital marketing has also made it possible for businesses to reach their customers on various mediums like social, mobile, app, laptop, computers, TVs, and a lot more.

All this is possible because digital marketing gives you tons of marketing strategies and options. 

Following are the digital marketing strategies that you can leverage:

  • SEO
  • SMM
  • PPC
  • Email marketing
  • Blogging
  • Content marketing
  • Video marketing and more

5. Wide targeting options

Targeting the right audience is of utmost importance for any business organization as it helps in showcasing the right message to the right audience. 

When people purchase your products and services, your sales and profits will go up. But in order to increase your sales and profits, you need to target the right audience. 

Digital marketing techniques and strategies allow you to collect data about your customers with the help of cookies and various analytics tools. You can use such data strategically to target your audience and promote your product. 

A good example can be targeting options available with Google ads and Facebook ads.

6. Amazing reach

Do you want to grow your business internationally? Do you want to reach more customers and audiences?

If your answer to the above question is yes, then you should be leveraging digital marketing for sure. 

Today, digital marketing has made it possible to take your business to the next level. With the help of digital marketing strategies, you can surely take your business to the international level and reach more customers. 

For example;

You can target international keywords in your SEO strategy and rank for international keywords as well. You can also select international countries in your ads targeting options. 

7. Better returns

When you compare the returns associated with digital marketing and traditional, digital will always win the game. Digital marketing techniques like SEO, email marketing, blogging, PPC, paid ads and others have better ROI as compared to traditional marketing techniques.

In fact, email marketing can alone give you an ROI of 1200% which is the highest ROI-driven digital marketing strategy ever.

Also, every $1 you spend on email marketing will give $40 in return. So, its a win-win situation for you.

Apart from email marketing, SEO will also give you amazing returns and profits. 

8. More leads

Lead generation is one of the most important things for every business in 2021. But the harsh reality is most of businesses struggle with lead generation. In fact, 68% of the design bags businesses find it difficult to generate leads

But I have a piece of good news for you.

If you are also struggling with lead generation then switch to digital marketing techniques. 

Digital marketing gives you tons of techniques by which you can generate quality leads easily. 

Today 59% of marketers are harnessing the power of SEO as a lead generation tool, and 57% of marketers feel that SEO generates more leads as compared to other online marketing techniques. 



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