Essay on Conservation of Rivers

Essay on Conservation of Rivers

Introduction: The water of rivers is important for human beings. There is very little pure water left on earth. As the population of the world and the country is increasing, there is very little clean water left. The way people are using the water of rivers without thinking, it is important to think about it. Forty percent of the world’s people live near rivers. Starting from many small water sources, small streams merge to form a big river. Waterfalls flow through the mountains and then their water comes in the rivers. In the end, the water of the rivers goes to the ocean and gets mixed in the ocean. We cannot use ocean water.

There is excessive use of river water. Due to pollution and industrialization, the clean water of rivers is getting dirty and also polluted. It is the responsibility of man to save and preserve the rivers. With this, the coming generation will also get clean water. Electricity is produced from the water of rivers. We can do any work at our homes during night time without interruption due to electricity. Irrigation is done in the fields by the water of the rivers. Plants get water. Due to good irrigation we get grains, fruits and vegetables.

Without rivers, man does not get water. Water is a valuable resource. Humans and animals cannot survive without water. The way people are polluting the water without thinking, it will become difficult to conserve the water of rivers in the coming times.

Due to not preserving all the rivers, the rivers are getting extinct. Before people pollute the water of rivers, there is a need to stop them. It is the responsibility of man to clean the rivers. Washing clothes, bathing and cleaning animals in the rivers is a totally unfair act. These activities are seriously polluting the water of the rivers. There is a need for awareness in the logo.

Every day people throw garbage in the rivers. The irony is that even educated people are doing this. There is no use blaming each other. Every human being should be alert with heart and mind. People all over the country throw garbage here and there in the river. The waste flowing in the rivers has polluted the water of the rivers. Yesterday, the waste coming out of factories is also being discharged into the water of rivers. Animals are dying by drinking this dirty and toxic water of rivers. The government has taken many steps, but all the people have to come together, united and support in the conservation of rivers. With this we can prevent diseases.

All the worship and festivals are held throughout the year, at that time people immerse the idol of God in the water of the rivers. Various types of paints and chemicals are used in the idol. By immersing it in water, the water of the rivers is getting affected badly. When such substances mix in rivers, then the animals living in the rivers suffer. Some living beings die. Whenever a person dies, the remains after his death are thrown into the water. Due to this the water of the rivers is getting worse. Even the dirty and harmful water that flows in some drains also gets mixed in the river. Due to all these reasons the water of rivers is getting polluted.

It is very important to clean the rivers. Keeping rivers clean is very important. Man should stop the dirty litter and garbage by digging it, putting it in it. Before dumping dirt and residue into factories tomorrow, those things must be treated. By doing this all living beings will survive and they will not die. Do not immerse the remains of the dead in the rivers. If the people of all the countries recognize their wrong activities and curb them, then surely we can preserve the rivers. The progress of the country will happen only when we remain healthy. We all need clean and pure water. Therefore it is our responsibility to keep the rivers clean.


Let us all take an oath together that if we keep the rivers, ponds and other water sources clean, then the rivers will also be able to remain safe. People will not be affected and affected by diseases. It is the duty of mankind to clean and protect the rivers. If the rivers are clean, then all of us living beings will also live well.

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