6 Tips to Take Care of Your Pet During the Winter

Our pets count on us to keep them safe and warm all year long. During the winter, pet parents need to step up their game and keep their animals healthy. 

Whether you’re a dog lover or your home is run by a feline companion, keep these six tips in mind when caring for a pet this winter.

Limit Outside Time

Try to limit the time spent outdoors during the cold winter months. If you tend to take your dog on long walks during the fall, consider breaking it up into two shorter walks during the winter. If you let your pet outside for some free play, set a timer to ensure that you don’t get distracted and forget to let them back in.

The recommendations about outside time during the winter will vary depending on your location. Note what the local officials say about what’s safe for people in your climate, and use those guidelines for your pets.

Provide Outdoor Shelter

If you have an animal that likes to roam— an outdoor cat, for example— provide a safe shelter for them outdoors. Anyone who owns a cat knows that they tend to set the tone for what’s happening in their lives. Fortunately, you can find some high-quality outdoor shelters in this furry friends gear blog post.

Having a shelter will also give your animal the opportunity for more time in the fresh air during the winter months. 

Also Read:- Benefits of Choosing an Expert Veterinarian

Exercise During Daylight Hours

Another safety concern that often gets overlooked is the shorter daylight hours. Try to adjust your pet’s schedule so that they’re outside during daylight hours rather than at nightfall. The reduced visibility and potential for nocturnal predators can be incredibly dangerous for both pets and their owners.

If you go for evening walks with your dog, dress both yourself and your animal in reflective gear. Consider investing in a lighted color and leash so that your dog is illuminated if they’re a few steps ahead. 

Protect the Paws

Your pet’s paws are one of the most vulnerable parts of their body during the winter season. The cold temperature, sharp bits of ice, and toxic antifreeze and de-icing agents can seriously harm your pet. 

Keep your dog or cat safe by purchasing them booties for outdoor play. If your pet refuses to wear them, take time to give their paws a good wipe every time they come back indoors. If you use something to de-ice your driveway, look for a pet-friendly option that’s free of harmful toxins. 

Promote Hydration

It’s easy to forget the importance of hydration during the winter months. In the summer, heat and activity are a constant reminder that your pet needs water. That need doesn’t change in the winter. 

Make sure your pet always has access to fresh water, particularly after outdoor activity. If you tend to leave water outside for your pet, remember to check and ensure that it’s not frozen over. It can take more energy to move and play in the cold. Even though your pet isn’t panting or showing signs of getting overheated, they still need water to fuel their efforts.

With these simple tips, you can keep your pet safe and healthy all winter long.

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