Technology – Articles For Website Tue, 24 Oct 2023 15:22:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Streamlining Operations: Why Businesses Need Logistics Technology with a Focus on 3PL Software Tue, 24 Oct 2023 15:22:19 +0000 In today’s fast-paced business landscape, efficient logistics management is the key to success. The growth of e-commerce, globalization, and the ever-increasing demand for swift, cost-effective supply chain solutions have made logistics technology indispensable for businesses of all sizes. Third-party logistics (3PL) software has emerged as a powerful tool in this domain, helping companies optimize their […]

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In today’s fast-paced business landscape, efficient logistics management is the key to success. The growth of e-commerce, globalization, and the ever-increasing demand for swift, cost-effective supply chain solutions have made logistics technology indispensable for businesses of all sizes. Third-party logistics (3PL) software has emerged as a powerful tool in this domain, helping companies optimize their operations and stay competitive. In this article, we’ll delve into the significance of logistics technology, with a focus on the benefits of 3PL software, and explore how it’s transforming the way businesses manage their supply chains. With third party logistics software serving as the anchor text, let’s explore how this technology is revolutionizing logistics operations.

The Evolving World of Logistics

The world of logistics has evolved significantly in recent years, primarily due to the advancement of technology and changing consumer demands. Traditionally, logistics management involved manual processes, spreadsheets, and phone calls to coordinate the movement of goods from suppliers to manufacturers, and finally to consumers. These processes were time-consuming, prone to errors, and lacked the real-time visibility necessary to adapt to the ever-changing demands of the modern marketplace.

However, as the global economy expanded and e-commerce gained prominence, businesses realized the need for a more sophisticated approach to logistics. The traditional methods were no longer sufficient to meet the growing demand for quick and efficient supply chain solutions. This realization marked the dawn of logistics technology.

The Need for Logistics Technology

Enhanced Visibility:

  1. Modern businesses need real-time insights into their supply chain. Logistics technology provides a clear and comprehensive view of the entire process, from order placement to final delivery. This visibility helps companies identify bottlenecks, streamline operations, and make informed decisions. With GPS tracking, RFID technology, and advanced software analytics, businesses can track the precise location and status of their shipments, providing valuable data that can be used to optimize routes, predict delivery times, and make immediate adjustments if issues arise.

Efficiency and Cost Savings:

  1. Implementing logistics technology, particularly 3PL software, enables businesses to streamline their operations, reduce human errors, and cut down on operational costs. It optimizes routes, minimizes wastage, and helps in the efficient allocation of resources. For example, route optimization algorithms can significantly reduce fuel consumption and transportation costs. By calculating the most efficient routes, businesses can save money and reduce their carbon footprint.


  1. As businesses grow, their logistics requirements become more complex. Logistics technology, especially 3PL software, can seamlessly scale to accommodate these changing needs, allowing businesses to expand without the headache of overhauling their logistics operations. This adaptability ensures that a growing business can efficiently handle increased order volumes, larger inventories, and expanded delivery networks without sacrificing customer service or incurring excessive costs.

Customer Satisfaction:

  1. In a world where consumers demand swift and accurate deliveries, logistics technology ensures that businesses can meet these expectations. This results in increased customer satisfaction and loyalty. Fast, accurate deliveries have become the standard for businesses, and logistics technology plays a crucial role in meeting these expectations. With the ability to provide real-time tracking and notifications to customers, businesses can keep their clientele informed about the status of their orders, resulting in increased trust and satisfaction. Moreover, accurate delivery scheduling reduces the likelihood of missed or delayed deliveries, further enhancing the customer experience.

The Rise of 3PL Software

Third-party logistics (3PL) software is a specialized tool designed to manage and optimize logistics operations. Here are some compelling reasons why businesses should consider embracing 3PL software:

Expertise and Resources:

  1. 3PL providers are logistics experts, equipped with the knowledge, technology, and resources to manage complex supply chains. 3PL software allows businesses to tap into this expertise seamlessly. These providers specialize in logistics, bringing years of experience, an extensive network of carriers, and advanced technology to the table. This expertise can be invaluable for businesses, particularly those entering new markets or dealing with intricate supply chains. With 3PL software, companies can leverage the extensive knowledge of their logistics partners, ensuring that their supply chain operations are optimized for efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

Focus on Core Competencies:

  1. By outsourcing logistics to a 3PL provider and using their software, businesses can concentrate on their core competencies, rather than getting bogged down by the intricacies of supply chain management. This strategic decision allows businesses to focus on what they do best, whether it’s manufacturing, marketing, or product development. Outsourcing logistics through 3PL providers not only reduces the operational burden but also allows businesses to allocate their resources and talent to areas that directly contribute to their growth and success.

Cost Efficiency:

  1. 3PL software helps businesses optimize routes, reduce inventory holding costs, and minimize transportation expenses, leading to significant cost savings in the long run. Cost efficiency is a key factor in today’s competitive business environment. 3PL software’s ability to optimize routes and streamline operations can lead to significant cost savings. It allows businesses to make data-driven decisions, reducing unnecessary expenses and eliminating inefficiencies. By providing real-time visibility and insights into the supply chain, 3PL software enables businesses to identify areas where cost savings can be achieved, whether through better route planning, reduced warehouse storage, or more efficient inventory management.

Scalability and Flexibility:

  1. 3PL software can adapt to changing business needs, making it easy for companies to scale operations up or down without incurring major disruptions. Business needs are rarely static. They can change due to seasonal fluctuations, market dynamics, or unexpected events. 3PL software is designed to be flexible and adaptable to accommodate these changes. Whether a business needs to scale up to meet increased demand during the holiday season or adjust to unforeseen disruptions in the supply chain, 3PL software can provide the necessary tools and insights to make these transitions as smooth as possible.

Global Reach:

  1. For businesses operating on a global scale, 3PL software can help manage international supply chains, handle customs and regulations, and ensure timely deliveries worldwide. Expanding into international markets can be challenging, particularly when dealing with different customs procedures, shipping regulations, and supply chain intricacies. 3PL software is equipped to handle these complexities, making it easier for businesses to navigate international logistics. It ensures that shipments comply with local regulations, clears customs efficiently, and delivers products to their destinations on time. This international capability is essential for businesses looking to explore new markets and expand their customer base.


In conclusion, the adoption of logistics technology, particularly third-party logistics (3PL) software, is essential for businesses looking to thrive in today’s highly competitive market. With its ability to streamline operations, enhance visibility, and optimize supply chains, 3PL software has become a game-changer.

One such innovative 3PL software solution that deserves special mention is “CartonCloud.” This advanced software is empowering businesses to take their logistics operations to the next level. CartonCloud, with its feature-rich capabilities, is revolutionizing how companies manage their supply chains, making it a must-have tool for businesses of all sizes.

As the business world continues to evolve, those who embrace the power of logistics technology, along with cutting-edge solutions like CartonCloud, will be better positioned to meet customer demands, control costs, and remain competitive in an ever-changing landscape. It’s clear that the future of logistics belongs to those who leverage the capabilities of 3PL software and stay ahead of the curve.

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Introduction to DevOps: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners Fri, 02 Jun 2023 13:37:42 +0000 Welcome to this comprehensive guide on DevOps, aimed at beginners eager to explore the world of software development and operations. This blog covers the fundamentals of DevOps, its key principles, benefits, common practices, tools, and more. By the end of this guide, with the help of DevOps Training, you’ll have a solid understanding of DevOps […]

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Welcome to this comprehensive guide on DevOps, aimed at beginners eager to explore the world of software development and operations. This blog covers the fundamentals of DevOps, its key principles, benefits, common practices, tools, and more. By the end of this guide, with the help of DevOps Training, you’ll have a solid understanding of DevOps and how it can revolutionize software delivery processes. Whether you aspire to become a DevOps engineer or enhance your knowledge in this field, this guide will provide you the foundation to kickstart your journey. So, let’s dive deep into the exciting world of DevOps! 

Table of Contents 

  1. What is DevOps? 
  2. Benefits of DevOps 
  3. Key Principles of DevOps 
  4. DevOps Tools and Technologies 
  5. DevOps Lifecycle 
  6. Common DevOps Practices 
  7. Challenges and Best Practices 
  8. Conclusion 

What is DevOps?  

DevOps is a cultural and organisational approach that combines software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops) to streamline the software delivery process. It promotes collaboration, communication, and integration between development and operations teams, enabling faster and more reliable software releases. DevOps emphasises automation, continuous integration, delivery, and monitoring to achieve high-quality software products.  

Benefits of DevOps  

Implementing DevOps brings numerous benefits to organisations, including:  

  1. Increased collaboration: DevOps fosters collaboration and breaks down silos between development, operations, and other teams. It encourages shared responsibilities and promotes effective communication, improving efficiency and productivity.  
  2. Faster time to market: With DevOps practices such as continuous integration and delivery, software releases become more frequent, reliable, and efficient. This results in faster time to market, allowing organisations to deliver value to customers more rapidly  
  3. Enhanced quality and stability: DevOps focuses on automation, testing, and monitoring throughout the software development lifecycle. This ensures early detection of issues, faster bug resolution, and increased overall stability and quality of software products.  

Key Principles of DevOps  

Several core principles guide DevOps:  

  1. Continuous Integration (CI): Developers frequently integrate their code changes into a shared repository. This practice allows for early detection of conflicts and promotes collaboration among team members.  
  2. Continuous Delivery (CD): The continuously delivering software changes to production environments. By automating build, test, and deployment processes, teams can ensure that software releases are reliable and ready for deployment at any time.  
  3. Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Infrastructure is defined and managed through code, allowing for version control, repeatability, and consistency. IaC promotes automation, reduces manual errors, and enables fast and efficient infrastructure provisioning.  
  4. Automation: It is at the heart of DevOps. By automating repetitive tasks, such as testing, deployment, and monitoring, teams can increase efficiency, reduce errors, and focus on higher-value activities.  

DevOps Tools and Technologies  

A variety of tools and technologies support the implementation of DevOps practices. Some popular examples include:  

  1. Version Control Systems: Git, Subversion  
  2. Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD): Jenkins, CircleCI, Travis CI, GitLab CI/CD  
  3. Configuration Management: Ansible, Puppet, Chef  
  4. Containerisation and Orchestration: Docker, Kubernetes  

DevOps Lifecycle  

The DevOps lifecycle encompasses the entire software development process, from initial planning to deployment and monitoring. It typically includes the following stages:  

  1. Plan: In this phase, teams collaborate to define project goals, scope, and requirements. They also establish a roadmap and identify the necessary resources for successful software development.  
  2. Code: Developers write and test code, following best practices and version control guidelines. Continuous integration practices ensure that code changes are integrated and tested frequently.  
  3. Build: The code is compiled, built, and packaged into deployable artefacts. Build automation tools to streamline this process and ensure consistency across environments.  
  4. Test: Automated testing, including unit tests, integration tests, and acceptance tests, is performed to validate the functionality and quality of the software. Continuous testing helps identify and fix issues early in the development cycle.  
  5. Deploy: The software is deployed to the target environment, whether it’s a development, staging, or production environment. Automation tools enable consistent and repeatable deployments, reducing the risk of human error.  

Common DevOps Practices  

DevOps encompasses a range of practices that organisations can adopt, including:  

  1. Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Treating infrastructure as code enables automation, version control, and consistency in managing infrastructure resources. Configuration files define and provision infrastructure, ensuring reproducibility and scalability.  
  2. Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD): It involves automating the build, test, and deployment processes. Developers frequently integrate their code changes, and automated pipelines deliver the changes to production environments reliably and efficiently.  
  3. Microservices Architecture: Breaking down applications into smaller, loosely coupled services allows scalability, independent deployment, and easier maintenance. Microservices enable teams to develop and deploy software components separately, accelerating development cycles.  
  4. Monitoring and Logging: Continuous monitoring and logging provide visibility into the health and performance of applications and infrastructure. Real-time insights help detect and address issues promptly, ensuring optimal system performance.  

Challenges and Best Practices  

Implementing DevOps has challenges, including cultural resistance, organisational alignment, and complexity of tooling. However, several best practices can help overcome these challenges:  

  1. Foster a Culture of Collaboration: Encourage cross-functional collaboration, shared goals, and open team communication. Establish a culture that embraces change, learning, and continuous improvement.  
  2. Automation is Key: Invest in automation to streamline processes, reduce errors, and improve efficiency. Automate build, test, deployment, and monitoring processes to ensure consistency and repeatability.  
  3. Continuous Learning: Emphasise a culture of continuous learning and improvement. Encourage experimentation, embrace feedback, and create opportunities for knowledge sharing and professional development.  


DevOps has emerged as a transformative approach that enables organisations to accelerate software delivery and meet the demands of today’s fast-paced digital landscape. DevOps promotes collaboration, automation, and continuous improvement by combining development and operations practices. By adopting key principles, leveraging appropriate tools and technologies, and embracing best practices, organisations can unlock the benefits of DevOps, including faster time to market, enhanced quality, and improved collaboration. DevOps will remain a crucial enabler of faster and more efficient software delivery processes as the software industry evolves. 

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Tips for Extending Your Phone’s Battery Life Thu, 25 May 2023 01:04:40 +0000 Your phone is your constant companion in everyday life, which is why battery performance is so important. The basic expectation is that your phone should last 1-2 days of normal use without any problems, but battery life is also important. Some phones are good at first, but their performance deteriorates rapidly over time. And then […]

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Your phone is your constant companion in everyday life, which is why battery performance is so important. The basic expectation is that your phone should last 1-2 days of normal use without any problems, but battery life is also important. Some phones are good at first, but their performance deteriorates rapidly over time. And then you start noticing that your phone is calling out for a charge regularly, which is not only frustrating, but also makes your daily routine much more difficult.

These are some of the most useful battery-saving tips to help you get the most out of your gadget. These tricks are doable for anyone with a little bit of attention, and in time you’ll thank yourself for learning them.

So, what to do if your phone battery is draining fast? Deteriorating battery life is a bit like health problems: they don’t develop overnight, but it’s much better to prevent them than to try to do something about them after they’ve emerged. Fortunately, extending your phone’s battery life isn’t that hard. Just keep those factors in mind, and the battery will serve you for much longer.


Both too hot and too cold temperatures can damage your phone’s battery. So make sure you don’t leave your phone outside in the heat, especially not in direct sunlight. You’ve probably seen the warning sign on a hot summer’s day that your phone battery is overheating. But by the time you see this safety warning, you’ve already done the wrong thing. 

On the other hand, it’s not good if it’s in the cold either, so don’t keep it at low temperatures for too long. Basically, the more time your phone is at room temperature, the better.


A big truth about lithium batteries is that too high or too low a charge level can shorten the life of your phone’s battery. Make sure that the charge level doesn’t go much below 20%, but don’t press it into 100% either. As a rule of thumb, it’s best to keep your phone between 40-90%. It is therefore always a good idea to carry a charger with you, or even buy an external battery, so that you can charge your phone before it reaches the undesirable level.

Many people make the mistake of leaving their phone on the charger overnight. So newer devices now have a night charge mode that automatically stops charging at 80%. Similarly, you can set when the phone switches to power-saving mode. If your phone’s battery is draining quickly, you should use this feature to significantly extend its life.

Display settings

Understandably, the brightness of your phone has a huge impact on battery power. Nowadays, many phones can automatically adapt to external conditions and adjust the brightness accordingly. This feature is partly designed to save battery power on iPhone and Android, but it’s also a good way to read the display comfortably regardless of the actual lighting conditions.

More and more phones also have a dark mode function that automatically turns white pages dark. This is mainly recommended for eye protection, but it is also useful for battery life, as you can essentially reduce the brightness in the same way.

Applications running in the background

Just because you’re not using an app doesn’t mean it’s not running in the background. This consumes a lot of unnecessary power, and there are even some typical battery-killing apps that eat up battery power. You can avoid this by closing apps that are running in the background. On newer phones, you can bring up all the apps running in the background with a single button, then stop them with another click. Made a few times a day, those two clicks will increase the uptime of your device. Not to mention that these background apps can also slow down the phone, so closing them regularly can also improve its performance in general.

Which phones have the best batteries?

If it’s particularly important for you to be able to use your phone for a long time without worrying about recharging it, you should choose a phone with a stronger battery. Before buying, be sure to check the tests and reviews of the device you are considering. In particular, battery life and its tendency to malfunction are always discussed on expert forums.

Older iPhones, for example, often have the problem with their batteries draining quickly. This is why iPhone battery conservation is particularly important. Now manufacturers are paying increased attention to the battery life aspect when designing new devices.

At the same time, Android devices, especially Samsung phones, have particularly good battery life. These, as well as Huawei phones, are a good option for those who seek autonomy from constant charging. Still, any battery will have a longer life if you pay attention to the tips listed above.


The best way to conserve battery power on both Android and iPhone is to keep an eye on the current charge status. And nowadays, with fast chargers and external batteries, you can charge your phone anywhere, anytime, which makes it easier to do just that. It’s also worth getting these handy chargers, which you can carry around easily at all times, and protect your device from physical damage or exposure to excessively high/low temperatures.

But sometimes it just so happens that the moment to prevent malfunctions is missed, and you need to fix your phone. The team can help with that. Anyways, the key is in only having true professionals deal with any problems your device may face.

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Why ReactJS is an Ultimate Choice for Front-end Development? Tue, 21 Feb 2023 10:44:53 +0000 When it comes to choosing the technology for front-end development, a host of efficient options are available in the market. But amongst these, ReactJS Frontend development has come up as the most popular and performance-oriented option. Some of the most popular websites like Netflix, Paypal, Apple to name a few use React.JS due to the […]

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When it comes to choosing the technology for front-end development, a host of efficient options are available in the market. But amongst these, ReactJS Frontend development has come up as the most popular and performance-oriented option. Some of the most popular websites like Netflix, Paypal, Apple to name a few use React.JS due to the flexibility and vast amount of capabilities that it offers. Businesses exploring for such capabilities should consider working with a ReactJS App development Company or they can go for ReactJS developers who work as freelancers.

A Bit about ReactJS

ReactJS is a flexible open-source library of JavaScript for building interactive user interfaces for web applications. Rendering happens on the server-side for ReactJS. This library is managed by Facebook and the community of developers. It facilitates the ReactJS developers to create UI components that are reusable. With the help of these reusable components, data in the application can be displayed without the need of reloading the page, for example, count of likes, dislikes can be reflected instantaneously without the need of refreshing the page. This feature facilitates the ReactJS Developers to build complex new-age interfaces and scalable web applications. It’s a good option for aspiring developers to learn any of the frameworks, you can even consider doing Angular Course or Reactjs Course offered by Institutes present out there.

Why ReactJS is Widely Used for Frontend Development?

Performance-centric and efficient: ReactJS is one of those frontend technologies which facilitate performance-based development. ReactJS provides server-side rendering and a virtual DOM program that facilitates fast, reliable, and robust performance. Also, the apps built in ReactJS are quite easier to maintain and update. DOM operations which are costly are avoided by ReactJS thereby making these operations efficient. One other factor that contributes to its efficiency is the JSX syntax that makes the process of writing components for websites much easier.

Outstanding Agility: ReactJS can make use of virtual DOM to make changes at the top layer without being worried about the crashing of the application. It is based on the concept of components that enables seamless functioning with other libraries and frameworks too.

Faster Development: ReactJS web apps can be developed at a faster rate due to various reasons.

  • Debugging process in ReactJS Development is very fast, thereby speeding up the process to build the app.
  • The component-based or Modular approach helps to focus on building individual components and then combining them to build the entire application.
  • ReactJS package is small and hence can be quickly downloaded and installed.
  • Code-splitting feature helps to load only the features which are required currently by the user thereby improving the loading time of web application.
  • Reusable components save the efforts of developing everything from scratch.

Captivating UI: This library accords the power of creating complicated yet attractive user interfaces to frontend web developers. Declarative components in ReactJS imparts a modern-day look and feel to the UI.

Customization: ReactJS uses JSX syntax which is an optional extension that allows writing of requisite components as per the specific requirements of the clients or end-users. These components accept HTML quoting and allow the ReactJS developers to render the subcomponents with ease.

High Stability: ReactJS uses a downward data flow making it a more stable framework. When any changes are made in the child structure, the parent structure is not affected. So when the developers want to make any modifications in an object, they can modify the state, make the changes and only then update it. This procedure makes the code and the apps stable.

Vibrant Community to Support: React.JS is blessed by the support of a powerful community of Facebook experts as well as other developers from all corners of the world. They often contribute to make it a better frontend technology. They deliver free-tutorials, blogs, articles, etc. to enrich it and provide crucial guidance to anyone facing technical issues while development.

Easy to Learn: It has an easy learning curve as compared to other libraries like Vue, Angular, etc. Anyone with basic knowledge of JavaScript can learn all the ins and out of React.JS with ease. So even new learners can start working on it.

SEO-friendly: SEO has become a crucial component in today’s era of online marketing. ReactJS supports this as it ensures faster rendering speeds and high responsiveness in the apps. This increases their chance of ranking higher in the search engines making it an SEO-friendly framework.


We hope this article has helped you gain important insights into why React.JS is a great library for frontend development. Owing to its enormous potential, React.JS has earned a significant place in the software world. Some Tech Leaders also claim that it has an extremely bright future. With this, we come to the end.

Are you looking for developing high-performing scalable ReactJS Apps for your business? Get in touch with Biz4Solutions, a well-established ReactJS app development services in Texas. We have provided our cutting-edge frontend development services to several clients using ReactJS. Contact Now!

The post Why ReactJS is an Ultimate Choice for Front-end Development? appeared first on Articles For Website.

Dell Error Code 2000-0415 Thu, 16 Feb 2023 03:27:55 +0000 Easy and Simple Way to Fix Dell Error Code 2000-0415 Dell Error Code 2000-0415 is commonly caused by incorrectly configured system settings or irregular entries in the Windows registry. This error can be fixed with special software that repairs the registry and tunes up system settings to restore stability Causes of Dell Error Code 2000-0415? This […]

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Easy and Simple Way to Fix Dell Error Code 2000-0415

Dell Error Code 2000-0415 is commonly caused by incorrectly configured system settings or irregular entries in the Windows registry. This error can be fixed with special software that repairs the registry and tunes up system settings to restore stability

Causes of Dell Error Code 2000-0415?

This article contains information that shows you how to fix Dell Error Code 2000-0415 both (manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to Dell Error Code 2000-0415 that you may receive.

Dell Error Code 2000-0415 is the error name that contains the details of the error, including why it occurred, which system component or application malfunctioned to cause this error along with some other information. The numerical code in the error name contains data that can be deciphered by the manufacturer of the component or application that malfunctioned. The error using this code may occur in many different locations within the system, so even though it carries some details in its name, it is still difficult for a user to pinpoint and fix the error cause without specific technical knowledge or appropriate software.

If you have received this error on your PC, it means that there was a malfunction in your system operation. Common reasons include incorrect or failed installation or uninstallation of software that may have left invalid entries in your Windows registry, consequences of a virus or malware attack, improper system shutdown due to a power failure or another factor, someone with little technical knowledge accidentally deleting a necessary system file or registry entry, as well as a number of other causes. The immediate cause of the “Dell Error Code 2000-0415” error is a failure to correctly run one of its normal operations by a system or application component.

The post Dell Error Code 2000-0415 appeared first on Articles For Website.

Connect Canon Pixma ip2820 Wireless Setup issue for Printer Thu, 16 Feb 2023 03:23:30 +0000 Canon Pixma Ip2820 Wireless Setup   Wireless/Wifi/WPS Connection set-up Guide for Canon Pixma Ip2820 Before we start, there are however some conditions that must be met in order to use the WPS pushbutton method: The access point must have a physical WPS push button available, please check with your device’s user guide for details. Ur […]

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Canon Pixma Ip2820 Wireless Setup


Wireless/Wifi/WPS Connection set-up Guide for Canon Pixma Ip2820

Before we start, there are however some conditions that must be met in order to use the WPS pushbutton method:

The access point must have a physical WPS push button available, please check with your device’s user guide for details.

Ur network must be using the WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) or WPA2 security protocol. Most WPS enabled access points will not connect using the WPS method if the WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) security method is used, or if no security is enabled. For details on which security method is being used on your wireless network, please check the wireless connection settings on your computer.


Please follow the steps below to complete the set-up

Step to 1

Make sure the wireless router is in range of the printer & the WPS button is ready to be pressed.

Step to 2

Press & hold the (Wireless) button (A) on the printer until the wire-less lamp (B) flashes.

Step to 3

Press the (Colour) button (C).

Step to 4

Press the (Wireless) button until the Direct lamp (D) lights up.

Step to 5

Press the (Colour) button, & make sure that the ON lamp (E) & the wire-less lamp flash, then press the (WPS) button on the wireless router within 2 minutes. The blue WiFi lamp on the printer will continue to flash while searching, & the Power & WiFi lamps will flash when connecting to the access point.

Step to 6

When the printer has successfully made a connection to your wireless network, the Power & WiFi lamps will stop flashing & remain lit. The network lamp will also light up.

For exact details regarding pressing the WPS button, please refer to the access point manual.

Network settings confirmation

To confirm that your printer is successfully connected to your wire-less network, u can print out the network settings of your printer if u wish:

  • Make sure that your printer is turned on.
  • Load a sheet of A4 or Letter-sized plain paper.
  • Press & hold the (Wi-Fi) until the WiFi lamp flashes once, & then release it.
  • Press the (Colour)
  • Press the (Wi-Fi)
  • Press the (Colour)

The network information page will be printed.

When referring to the printout, check that “Connection” indicates “Active” & that the SSID -Service Set Identifier (the name of your wire-less network) indicates the correct name of your wire-less network.


This concludes the WPS set-up procedure. Please now install the provided software.

If u do not have the CD(’s) that came with your product, or u’re a Mac user, please Download the software on Site.


Standard Connection Method (For Windows & Mac users only)

If your access point does not support the WPS feature, use the following instructions to set your printer up on your wire-less network:

For Windows users, insert the CD that came with your printer & runs the setup.

If u do not have a CD drive, or you’re a Mac user, then please download the software.

Connection for Windows Users Only

–>–>–>Step to 1

Double-click on the downloaded .exe file to open the following screen & click (Start Setup).

–>–>–>Step to 2

The software will check to see if there are any updates to the driver & software. This may take a few minutes to complete.

–>–>–>Step to 3

Select your region & country, then click (Next).

–>–>–>Step to 4

If u accept the terms of the license agreement, click (Yes).

–>–>–>Step to 5

If u would like to take part in the extended survey program, click (Agree).

Otherwise, click (Do not agree).

–>–>–>Step to 6

Ensure (Deactivate the block) is checked & click (Next) .

–>–>–>Step to 7

The following screen will be displayed for a few seconds.

–>–>–>Step to 8

Select (Wireless LAN Connection) & click (Next) .

–>–>–>Step to 9

Ensure that your printer is powered on & click (Next).

–>–>–>Step to 10

The software will search for any printers already set up on your network.

–>–>–>Step to 11

If u have already connected your printer to your network, select it from the list & click (Next) to start the software installation, then proceed to.

–>–>–>Step to 16 . 

If u cannot see your printer listed, continue to –>–>–>Step to 12.

–>–>–>Step to 12

If this is the first time you’re setting up your printer, it will not be displayed in the list.

Ensure (Set up the network connection according to the guide) is selected & click (Next).

–>–>–>Step to 13

The set-up guide will open & guide u through connecting your printer to your network using the easy wire-less connect process.

Please follow the on-screen instructions carefully to prepare your printer for connection.

Only click next, when your printer corresponds with the example shown in the diagrams below –

–>–>–>Step to 14

Once u have made the necessary settings on your printer, the software will now temporarily disconnect your computer from your wire-less network & connect directly to your printer to configure the network settings.

Ur computer will re-connect to your wire-less network automatically once this has completed.

–>–>–>Step to 15

When the connection is established, click (Next) to continue with the software installation.

–>–>–>Step to 16

The printer driver software will now install & register onto your computer. This will take a few minutes to complete.

–>–>–>Step to 17

If this is the first time u’re setting up your printer, it’s recommended to perform the print head alignment. Click (Execute) to start the process & follow the on-screen instructions.

If u have already aligned the print head, click (Next).

–>–>–>Step to 18

Click (Execute) to perform a test print.

Once successfully printed, click (Next).

–>–>–>Step to 19

The set-up of your printer is now complete.

Click (Next) to see a list of optional software u can also install.

–>–>–>Step to 20

20 From the list select any additional software u wish to install & click (Next).

–>–>–>Step to 21

Once the additional software has installed, u will see a message informing u about setting up your smartphone or tablet. Click on (Instructions) to find out more information on setting up your device, or click (Next) to continue.

–>–>–>Step to 22

To register your printer, click (Next) (this will open in a web browser).

Alternatively, click (Skip).

–>–>–>Step to 23

Click (Exit) to finish the installation.

Connection For Mac users only

–>–>–>Step to 1

Double-click on the downloaded .dmg file to open the following screen.

Double-click on the (Setup) icon to start the setup. If the following screen appears, click (Open).

–>–>–>Step to 2

When the following screen appears, type your Password to allow the Helper Tool to be installed, then click on (Install Helper).

–>–>–>Step to 3

Click (Start Setup) .

–>–>–>Step to 4

The software will check to see if there are any updates to the driver & software & download them as necessary.

–>–>–>Step to 5

Select your region & country, then click (Next) .

–>–>–>Step to 6

If u accept the terms of the license agreement, click (Yes).

–>–>–>Step to 7

If u would like to take part in the extended survey program, click (Agree), otherwise click (Do not agree).

–>–>–>Step to 8

The following screen will briefly appear.

–>–>–>Step to 9

If your printer has already been connected to your wire-less network, u will see the following screen. Click (Yes) to continue with the installation & jump to –>–>–>Step to 17 . If your printer has not yet been connected please continue to –>–>–>Step to 10.

–>–>–>Step to 10

If your printer has not yet been connected to your wire-less network, u will see the following screen. Select wire-less LAN Connection, then click (Next).

–>–>–>Step to 11

Ensure that your printer is powered on & click (Next).

–>–>–>Step to 12

The software will search for any printers already set up on your network.

–>–>–>Step to 13

If this is the first time u’re setting up your printer, it will not be displayed on the list.

Ensure (Set up the network connection according to the guide) is selected & click (Next) .

–>–>–>Step to 14

The set-up guide will open & guide u through connecting your printer to your network using the easy wire-less connect process.

Please follow the on-screen instructions carefully to prepare your printer for connection.

Only click next, when the printer corresponds with the example shown in the diagrams below.

–>–>–>Step to 15

The software will now temporarily disconnect your computer from your wire-less network & directly connect to your printer to configure the network settings.

Ur computer will re-connect to your wire-less network automatically once this has completed.

When the following message is displayed, click (Allow).

–>–>–>Step to 16

When the connection has successfully completed, click (Next).

–>–>–>Step to 17

The printer driver software will now install on to your computer.

This will take a few minutes to complete.

–>–>–>Step to 18

The software will now temporarily disconnect your computer from your wire-less network & directly connect to your printer to configure the network settings.

Ur computer will re-connect to your wire-less network automatically once this has completed.

If the following message is displayed, click (Allow).

–>–>–>Step to 19

Click (Add Printer) .

–>–>–>Step to 20

Select Canon ‘MG/MX/TS/MP series’ ‘Bonjour Multifunction’ from the list & click (Add) .

–>–>–>Step to 21

After adding your printer, the set-up screen may be hidden by the web browser. If this happens, click on the set-up icon set-up located in the dock, to display the screen again.

Once the printer has been added, click (Next) to continue.

–>–>–>Step to 22

If this is the first time u’re setting up your printer, it’s recommended to perform print head alignment. Click (Execute) to start the process & follow the on-screen instructions.

If u have already aligned the print head, click (Next).

–>–>–>Step to 23

Click (Start) to perform a test print & click (Print) .

Once successfully printed, click (Next).

–>–>–>Step to 24

The set-up of your printer is now complete.

Click (Next), to see a list of optional software u can also install.

–>–>–>Step to 25

From the list select any additional software u wish to install & click (Next).

–>–>–>Step to 26

Once the additional software has installed, u will see a message informing u about setting up your smartphone or tablet. Click (Instructions) to find out more information on setting up your device, or click (Next) to continue.

–>–>–>Step to 27

To register your printer, click (Next) (this will open in a web browser). Alternatively, click (Skip).

–>–>–>Step to 28

Once the additional software has installed, click (Exit) to finish the installation.


Restoring your printer’s network settings back to factory default

Restoring your printer’s network settings back to factory default. If u need to reset your network settings back to factory default, for example, if u change your access point, u can do so by following these instructions:

Please note that initialization erases all network settings on the machine, so printing or scanning from a computer over the network will become impossible until the printer is re-configured with new network settings.

–>–>–>Step to 1

Press & hold the (RESUME/CANCEL) button until the ALARM lamp flashes 19 times.

–>–>–>Step to 2

Release the (RESUME/CANCEL)

The network settings have been reset back to factory default settings.

Please now refer to the WiFi set-up – (WPS or Standard Connection methods) for instructions on setting up your printer onto your WiFi network.

The post Connect Canon Pixma ip2820 Wireless Setup issue for Printer appeared first on Articles For Website.

A Brief Look at Digitalization in Supply Chain Management and Logistics Fri, 13 Jan 2023 06:35:58 +0000 The emergence of new technology in industry 4.0 has seeped into every sector there is – from healthcare to education. The traditional supply chains and logistics are also not left behind. In fact, digitalization in supply chain management and logistics has improved the whole process by significant margins.  With automation and better tools, the industry […]

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The emergence of new technology in industry 4.0 has seeped into every sector there is – from healthcare to education. The traditional supply chains and logistics are also not left behind. In fact, digitalization in supply chain management and logistics has improved the whole process by significant margins. 

With automation and better tools, the industry is creating better supply chain strategies while stacking profits higher and higher. In this article, we will look at how this is happening. You will also get a brief overview of the role of the digital supply chain in current times via its benefits. Let us get started. 

Digitalization in Supply Chain Management and Logistics: Overview

Digitalization in supply chain management and logistics refers to the process of turning traditional analog methods into digital ones via software or new technologies. It takes customers’ data to offer digital solutions. While this digitalization was already happening at a slow pace, the recent covid-19 crisis acted as a catalyst and accelerated the whole transformation. This digitization involves implementing advanced digital products and services to streamline operations, improve management, and increase visibility.

Today, many major businesses in the logistics and supply chain sector are adopting technology to make their operations more agile and resilient. It is also easy to meet the dynamic needs of the market with digitalization in supply chain management and logistics. 

Advantages Of Digitalization in Supply Chain Management and Logistics

There are several reasons why the majority of businesses are now preferring digitalization in supply chain management and logistics. Below we have shared the most famous advantages you should know: 

  • Accuracy

Shifting to software-led processes can remove the human errors that used to occur in traditional supply chains. Moreover, other advancements, such as real-time tracking of orders, also offer total transparency to ensure everyone in the chain makes an accurate decision of supply instead of assuming them. 

  • Flexibility

By embracing technology, the supply chain and logistics industry can access predictive analysis and automated stock management processes. These allow the business to predict an upcoming challenge in advance and be ready with a viable solution. This flexibility further helps them handle any rapid change with supply and demand fluctuations smoothly. 

  • Efficiency

Digitalization in supply chain management and logistics has significantly increased the process, leading to higher productivity. For instance, logistics companies now use automated conveyer belts to handle products at warehouses. They are also using robots to do tasks quickly and efficiently. 

Some of the other advantages include the following: 

  • Improved decision making
  • Better financial management
  • Easy way to handle big data 

Top 3 Trends to Follow in 2023

Since digitalization in supply chain management and logistics is evolving rapidly, it is wise to be updated with the trends to make the right decisions. Here are the top three trends to keep in mind in 2023. 

  1. Real-Time Tracking: By associating the digital supply chain with the Internet of Things (IoT), organizations will be investing in real-time tracking software. This will enable close monitoring of the consignment at each stage to prevent any hiccups. 
  2. Need For Cybersecurity: Just like every other industry, supply chain and logistics is also vulnerable to cyber-attacks. This is why this year, there is a need to focus on cybersecurity to safeguard the systems so that there are no operations disruptions or fraud. 
  3. AI and automation: The use of AI will keep increasing and help in predicting supply and demand-related data. Adoption of such technologies can lower costs, improve the process, and reduce redundant errors. 

The Bottom Line

Digitalization in supply chain management and logistics is still evolving, and thus, it is crucial to get a clear understanding of how it can impact your business. By leveraging this technology, businesses can improve their overall productivity. Nowadays, several reputable firms have started offering consultations to help businesses become digitized and sustainable. 

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Best Flip Clocker Alternatives to Customize Your Mac’s Desktops Tue, 13 Dec 2022 03:27:42 +0000 When looking for the best desktops, macs have been a popular choice for many years. Besides being attractive, these desktops have the best performance and output. Nevertheless, these desktops look the same, making it vital to change or include some properties, such as screen savers, to personalize your device. The flip clocker is one of […]

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When looking for the best desktops, macs have been a popular choice for many years. Besides being attractive, these desktops have the best performance and output. Nevertheless, these desktops look the same, making it vital to change or include some properties, such as screen savers, to personalize your device.

The flip clocker is one of the most popular screensavers or ways to customize your Mac’s desktop. This post explores how the flip clocker can help you customize your desktop and the top five its alternatives. You’ll also learn how to download and apply this Mac screen saver. 

Flip Clocker: A Retro and Aesthetic Clock App

Flip Clocker is the best aesthetic and retro application many people are considering for their Mac desktops. The application has a wide range of features and customization options that allows you to customize and personalize your desk. You can choose this application to enhance the customization and attractiveness of your desktop.

Key Features of Flip Clocker 

Flip Clocker is available on iPad, iPhone, and MacOS. You can also view its demo example online before you download its offline program. This flip clock app has various features that make it the best screen saver to customize and personalize your desktop. These features include: 

  • Numerous amazing background choices, including solid color background, gradient color background, and pattern background.
  • Display the date and time in full-screen, portrait, or landscape.
  • Easy switch between the 12 and 24-hour modes.
  • Show and hide flip animation according to your needs.
  • Allows switching between dark modes and light modes.
  • Varying styles, skins, and fonts.
  • Supports classic black and white digital clocks and retro dial clocks.

How to Download Flip Clocker on Your Mac 

  • Downloading flip clocker is usually a straightforward process. Below is a stepwise process for downloading this screen saver on your Mac computer:
  • Search for the flip clocker on the apple store or get the app from its official site.
  • Scroll down to the bottom to choose “Download for Mac.”
  • Choose the folder you want to keep the file.
  • Install Flip Clocker on your computer. 

How to Apply Flip Clocker as Your Mac’s Screen Saver 

Besides downloading, you must understand how to apply this flip clock app on your desktop as a screensaver. Let’s look at the process of making the flip clock your Mac screen saver: 

  • After downloading the application, right-click to open or install the application.
  • Click “install” to complete the installation.
  • Open the system preferences to open the screen saver section.
  • Enable or select this screen saver from the list. Sometimes, you may have to scroll to the bottom to find the option.
  • Click screen saver options’ to choose the right size of the number you’d want on the screen.
  • You can customize your digital clock, such as the clock’s background, sound effect, flipping animation, etc.  
  • Now your computer has a full-screen flip clock screensaver. Enjoy it!

Best Five Alternatives to Flip Clocker 

While the flip clocker remains the best way to customize and make your macs look personalized and attractive, we’ve got some best alternatives. Below are some of the top flip clocker alternatives: 

1. Google clock 

It’s one of the best flip clocker alternatives that combines all the functionality and attractiveness you require. Besides the beautiful package, it has features allowing you to add timers, set alarms, or run a stopwatch. 

2. Simple clock

Besides the multiple functions, the clock also has properties that make it one of the best Flip clock alternatives to personalize your Mac desktop. The clock widget and white text on a transparent white desktop background make it the best way to customize and personalize your desktop.

3. Alarmy alarm clock

Like the flip clocker, the alarmy alarm clock has numerous features that make it a better alternative. The features make it the best screensaver to personalize your Mac’s desktop and make it attractive.

4. Digital clock – Big LED Alarm

The digital clock has various features that make it a top LED desktop clock. These features make it one of the best digital clock screensavers you can choose for your mac desktop. Users boast of a wide range of features, including an eye-catching digital display, countdown timer, etc., which makes it the best screensaver for Mac, iPhone, and iPad devices.

5. Bedside clock – time widgets

A bedside clock is an appropriate screensaver that displays time on a lock and dynamic island screen. Besides the attractiveness, it has various features like a full-screen digital time display and voice commands that help you customize and personalize your mac desktop.

Why Customize Your Mac’s Desktop

Most macs desktops have the same properties and functionalities that make them look similar. Customizing the desktop helps to change the system’s functionalities and properties to make it more personal. Experts advocate for adding various properties or programs to enhance the personalized feeling. Below are the top reasons for customizing your desktop. Customizing your Mac’s desktop helps to: 

  • Make the appliance look unique
  • Makes the desktop suit your needs 
  • Enhances attractiveness


Flip Clocker is a good flip clock screensaver for Mac. Compared to some traditional clock apps, it adds more attractive features. For example, you can switch the time display modes between 12h and 24h. You can set up an animation background for the clock. You can also choose a classic number clock or retro clock as your Mac’s screensaver.

Above is a comprehensive guide on the Mac flip clock app and the best alternatives for customizing and personalizing your Mac desktop. The flip clocker remains the most appropriate way to personalize or customize your mac desktop. You can enjoy various features that allow you to customize and enhance the attractiveness of your device. 

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iTop PDF: The Best Tool to Encrypt a PDF File Tue, 06 Dec 2022 10:03:33 +0000 You must secure your file with a strong password if you want to effectively prevent printing and copying of your private PDF documents by third parties. The process of encrypting a PDF document often simply requires a few clicks. Simple and condensed! However, you should still exercise a little caution while selecting the PDF equipment […]

The post iTop PDF: The Best Tool to Encrypt a PDF File appeared first on Articles For Website.

You must secure your file with a strong password if you want to effectively prevent printing and copying of your private PDF documents by third parties. The process of encrypting a PDF document often simply requires a few clicks. Simple and condensed! However, you should still exercise a little caution while selecting the PDF equipment that can do the work well.

The papers might only be able to be opened, viewed, and decrypted by those who are aware of the true password. iTop PDF might be a sweet place for you if you also require a top-notch product that can provide accurate and secure encryption services. 

iTop PDF is a fully functional PDF tool that enables all users to take advantage of full access to their documents. Additionally, it is a confirmed fantastic beneficial gadget that is lightweight, easy to use, and a productive file manager.

Wondering how to quickly and easily encrypt a PDF file? Let’s examine the specifics of how the PDF file is encrypted.

Why PDF Must Be Encrypted?

You should always encrypt your important papers, especially if you don’t want your data to be compromised. PDF encryption has several advantages.

The following crucial details highlight the significance of PDF encryption:

  • A PDF must be encrypted to be updated or altered.
  • Make it more comfortable by using virtual signatures.
  • Respect the best industry regulations.
  • Publish without worrying about piracy or theft.
  • Keep your financial information sensitive.
  • prevents trespassers from stealing the statistics stored in those files.
  • Safeguard your valuable intellectual property.

The reasons why we must encrypt PDF documents and their role in protecting our sensitive data are all essentially complex.

How to Use iTop PDF to Encrypt PDF Files

Install the app first, or at least access the official iTop PDF device website. Once installed, you’ll see that it has a clean, user-friendly interface with a report manager-style structure. You must now follow a few instructions to finish the encryption mission.

Here are some fast and easy instructions for using iTop PDF to encrypt PDF files:

  1. Open the menu and select “Protect PDF.”
  2. Select the PDF that needs to be protected.
  3. Choose your password and then enter it again. (For safety!)
  4. Wait while it successfully encrypts and downloads the cozy report.

That became rather easy, didn’t it? Input the password honestly if you need to have access to the PDF straight now. Additionally, if you frequently work with PDFs, security may become a problem. Either you must settle for using the same passcode across all PDFs, or you must take the time to create and ultimately save unique passcodes for each PDF you use.

iTop PDF Review, a lovely PDF editor

There is a ton of PDF editor software available, but iTop PDF is regarded as the best of them. Inquiring as to why? This is because it has several defensive characteristics. Without any more communication, it is possible to explore the fantastic features that set it distinct from its rivals;

Edit PDF files directly without conversion

With no issues, you can edit PDF files using iTop PDF. It is not necessary to convert PDF to Word. Simply select “Edit Content” to proceed.

Files and passwords are secure

All passwords and files will be sent securely when you encrypt your PDF files; they won’t longer be uploaded to the server. Given that they are now deleted after processing, passwords may be safe.

Directly fill out the form

Additionally, you may utilize iTop PDF to do paperwork. You’ll need to fill out a few pieces of paperwork as tax season approaches. You may instantly complete documents with iTop PDF. Simply choose your forms, and then you can finish the paperwork.

Cost-free for Windows PC

iTop PDF is a fantastic tool that offers a working FREE trial edition in addition to numerous free features. Windows 11/10/8.1/7 are supported by iTop PDF. securing important PDF files worldwide!

Converting PDF files is simple

Additionally, you might want to convert PDF files into other formats. Consider converting PDF to Word, Excel, text, or pictures, for example. You can convert your files using the fine & loose iTop PDF. You can select Convert, the record you want to convert, and the bureaucracy you want after that.

Control PDF pages

You want iTop PDF if you just require a few pages from a PDF file and need to add pages from other documents otherwise. To insert, replace, remove your file, and create a new PDF, simply click Pages.


Encrypting a PDF file is often crucial, especially if you need to safely keep your information. iTop PDF has a ton of features, so you can easily do more than just encrypt your documents; there are also a ton of other fantastic options available. Convert, View, Comment, Edit, Pages, Tools, Protect, and more are among them. Many of those features are accessible with a right-click on side toolbars and menus. iTop PDF is your go-to source for high-quality PDFs.

The post iTop PDF: The Best Tool to Encrypt a PDF File appeared first on Articles For Website.

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How to Record a Zoom Meeting Without Approval Tue, 06 Dec 2022 10:02:35 +0000 In response to the epidemic, a lot of businesses have gone online to protect and improve the health of their staff. In addition to organisations, many institutions and colleges have integrated online learning into their curricula. As more businesses and colleges go online, the reputation of Zoom, an online meeting software, has grown. Zoom can […]

The post How to Record a Zoom Meeting Without Approval appeared first on Articles For Website.

In response to the epidemic, a lot of businesses have gone online to protect and improve the health of their staff. In addition to organisations, many institutions and colleges have integrated online learning into their curricula. As more businesses and colleges go online, the reputation of Zoom, an online meeting software, has grown.

Zoom can be used by businesses to schedule virtual meetings and by educational institutions to provide courses. However, some people find it difficult to take notes during conferences or lectures while they are at home. As a result, many users prefer to store Zoom meetings so they can later review them. However, you are unable to do so without the host’s consent.

How to Secretly Record a Zoom Meeting

As previously stated, you cannot report Zoom conferences without the host’s consent. Thankfully, there might be another way to move close to it. And the iTop Screen Recorder is used to carry out this. Let’s look at how to record Zoom meeting without permission by using this software.

  • Download the iTop Screen Recorder program

Make sure you have downloaded the software package first and foremost. After visiting the link, be sure to click on the “Free Download” option highlighted in green. After downloading the setup file, double-click it to install it.

  • Open your Zoom software to join the conversation

After setting up iTop Screen Recorder on your computer, join the Zoom conference you need to record. After the meeting, launch the software and go to the next step.

  •  From the drop-down option, choose the display icon

Select the white-highlighted Screen icon after launching the application. Additionally, be sure to select the proper frame length or factor ratio before starting to record the Zoom meeting. The body length and aspect ratio could be modified by clicking on the inverted arrow. You could also capture the entire Zoom assembly screen by choosing Full Screen.

  • Make any changes required here to the speaker settings

If you wish to mute the host’s voice during the Zoom meeting that is being recorded, which is possible. Make sure the ON text is shown beneath the speaker icon in the iTop Screen Recorder after that. You might also change the speaker settings before recording the Zoom assembly by selecting the song icon to the right of the display icon.

If you require a higher volume, slide the bar to the right; if you need a lower volume, slide the bar to the left.

  • Take notes throughout the meeting

After you’ve adjusted all the parameters, click the REC button to start recording the meeting. Another method for recording is by using the keyboard shortcut F9, which has been described.

  • Put an end to the recording

To complete recording the Zoom meeting, click the Done button once.

  • Take a look at the movies

The iTop Screen Recorder routinely saves videos as you use it. Go to My Creations and edit or play any there to find out if you have any. Additionally, you can record a Zoom assembly and take screenshots while it’s happening. To do that, simply press F11 or the digital camera icon.


Above are the steps to record Zoom meetings with the amazing screen recorder offered by iTop. If you want to capture any activities on your screen, do not hesitate to get this recorder at

The post How to Record a Zoom Meeting Without Approval appeared first on Articles For Website.

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