A Beginner’s Guide to the Perfect Cuban Cuisine

Cuban cuisine is similarly as one-of-a-kind and rich as the nation itself. It mixes an assortment of different social impacts, from the Native Taino individuals to African, Spanish, and Caribbean conventions. Since the food is a mezcla, or “blend,” of a wide range of cooking styles, its dishes frequently reflect different parts of Caribbean, African, and Latin American customs.

New and straightforward, Cuban cuisine isn’t commonly hot, yet it has its own flavor and style. What’s more, for those who don’t know, it is heavenly. Despite that it’s difficult to list the entirety of the distinctive Cuban dishes in a single short article, you can keep perusing to find the top items you should attempt when visiting Cuba!

For Breakfast

Cubans generally keep breakfast quite basic: toast with spread or guava jam, fresh veggies, and maybe eggs or some type of meat. In any case, each morning meal will undoubtedly incorporate the broadly solid and sweet Cuban espresso.

Coffee – Espresso

It is a staple in Cuban culture. Customarily, Cuban espresso is a particular style of coffee improved with characteristic brown sugar, which has been whipped with the first drops of coffee. Today, Cuban espresso comes in numerous varieties. For instance, you can arrange a cortadito, which is a standard coffee shot finished off with steamed milk. Or when you are in a rush, you can request a colada. Colada contains three to six shots of Cuban-style improved coffee that is normally served in a Styrofoam cup to take in a hurry. What’s more, obviously, there’s the celebrated bistro con leche, a cup of unsweetened coffee which is filled with some hot milk until the ideal haziness is reached.

Despite that it’s a staple in the mornings, numerous Cubans keep on drinking espresso for the duration of the day — on work breaks or in the evenings. With such an accentuation on this stimulating drink, odds are you will get back from Cuba an all-out espresso junkie. In any case, trust us, it’s justified, despite all the trouble!

For Lunch – Cuban Sandwich

No list of Cuban cuisine would be finished without the mention of the celebrated Cuban sandwich. Even though it might come in various assortments, this well-known sandwich ordinarily incorporates ham, pork, cheddar, pickles, and mustard, all heaped between two bits of scrumptiously flaky, light Cuban bread.

Ropa Vieja

Truly meaning “old garments,” this conventional Cuban dish comprises minced meat cooked in tomatoes and served over cushy white rice, dark beans, and additionally maduros (sweet singed plantains). Ropa Vieja is a generous dish that is famous for both lunch and supper.


Even if the specific recipe may fluctuate, picadillo generally incorporates minced hamburger with a sauce of tomatoes, onions, green peppers, and garlic. Some picadillo likewise incorporate potatoes, cleaved carrots, or string beans, and the dish is normally presented with rice and dark beans.

For Dinner – Ajiaco

A backbone of Cuban cuisine, Ajiaco is a work of art, healthy Cuban stew with a set of experiences that ranges more than 500 years. This stew highlights smoked pork or hamburger and local Cuban vegetables, similar to corn, yucca, plantains, and perhaps squash or yam. You will see this dish in various Cuban homes, particularly for family parties or other uncommon events. This notorious and delectable feast is the ideal method to jump into Cuban culture!
So what are you waiting for? Look for places offering Cuban cuisine near you to make the most of this wonderful tradition.

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