Yoga Poses That Are Sure To Burn Your Calorie.Dlife

Yes, you heard it right! Yoga is associated with stretching and attaining inner peace, but did you know it has been known to torch major calories as well? Yoga not only builds muscle, but also causes fat to melt, and is also known to increase your heart rate, which aids in boosting metabolism. Which is why Yoga has found wide acceptance with health freaks around the world, due to its long term impact on physical fitness and of course, lasting peace of mind!

Yoga poses or asanas engage a lot more muscles than we are used to moving. Holding yoga poses for definitive amounts of time builds endurance, flexibility and also burns calories, leading to fat burn and weight loss. A study funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) found that for overweight women, restorative yoga offers ways to trim subcutaneous fat. If performed with discipline, yoga can help you sweat like no other workout, helping you in losing weight and staying in shape. Here are some poses that are sure to burn up those calories:

Sun Salutations

Sun Salutations or Surya Namaskara can be your way to ease into your yoga practice. It not only stretches and warms up your muscles but also tones most of your major muscles. It activates your cardiovascular system while engaging your abs, glutes, calves, shoulders, biceps, shoulders, and triceps! It is a set of 12 different asanas and the more number of times you perform the asana without a gap, the more calories you burn.


This yoga version of a squat is a bit more intense! The chair pose activates the largest muscles of the body—the glutes—which automatically burns a whole lot of calories. It works the quads, the glutes, and the abs; add a twist to it and that will help your digestive system and the lymph system. Combine this into one move and you’ve got a great way to lose weight!


According to Mandy Ingber, celebrity yoga instructor and author of ‘Yogalosophy for Inner Strength’, wheel pose engages legs, buttocks, shoulders, arms, as well as your heart and lungs. This pose might take practice and attention to form and alignment, but when mastered, it “opens” the heart, and stretches the entire front of the body.

High Lunge

This yoga version of lunges works the whole body, especially your glutes and quads. It requires balance which makes your body work harder and thus burn more calories! To get the most out of this pose, you will have to bend your front knee so your thigh is parallel to the floor. The longer you hold this position, the tighter your quads get.


This pose is used in different workouts besides yoga. It burns mega calories as it engages major groups of muscles, including your abs, shoulders, and glutes while forcing your body to resist gravity! You can burn even more calories with variations like raising one foot and alternate arm and create a more intense workout. The longer you stay in the pose—from 30 seconds to five minutes—the more calories you burn. It is one of the best ways to strengthen your core. It may not look like much, but drop into plank and it won’t take long for you to feel it in your abs.

These yoga postures can aid in weight loss however, the best way to achieve your desired, healthy weight is through proper diet and maintaining a healthy lifestyle! To know more about how yoga can help control high blood pressure and diabetes, you should check out our blogs ‘Yoga’ Your Way Out Of High Blood Pressure! (Link) and ‘Must Practice’ Yoga Poses That Work Wonders For Diabetes (Link)

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